🍲Spiritual Side🥟

Start from the beginning

"I want you to do something for me".

I nodded. "Sure".

"In want you to close your eyes and focus on you spiritual side".

I do what she says and close my eyes , but the spiritual side yea that was going to be difficult.

It was nothing but black.

(???): (Y/N)

I turned around rapidly looking for the voice.

(???): In front of you , silly.

I looked forward to see a orb right in front of me.

A small light started to grow brighter

"Is that you Ahri , you're a-".

Ahri interrupted me "Yes , I'm a nine-tailed fox , I thought it was obvious"

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Ahri interrupted me "Yes , I'm a nine-tailed fox , I thought it was obvious".

I chuckled nervously "To be honest , I thought that you were a cat with nine tail".

Ahri made a weirded out face in her fox form "Now , what in the world made you think like that.

"I'm retarded , there's no way to put it".

"Yea...you're kinda right".

Then something clicked "Wait a minute , how are you even ta-"


"I'm I dea-"

"You are in a death like sleep right now but I can return your soul back to your body" Ahri reassured as she started to walk off.

I follow after her but the first step I took it felt like I had rocks on my feet.

I looked down at my feet to see shards of gemstones around my feet.

"Why is there Jade wrapping around my feet"

Every step I took had bits of jade surround a small area around my feet.

"Come on hurry up".

"I'm trying but it's hard when you have jade poping out everytime you take a step".

I walked along side the nine tailed fox to see what she talking about.

It started to get brighter and brighter every step I took.

Once over the horizon I saw a forest covered in cherry blossoms.

"This place is beautiful". I whispered

Pretty isn't it , your in the spirit realm". Ahri said.

"I don't even have the words".

I looked around at the scenery before me

Then something white floating up to me

"What is this".

Ahri looked over at me "A soul".

I touched it and it turned into a crystal ball but it was lightweight , floaty and shiny

"This on that mystic shit right here". I tossed the crystal orb around a bit hand to hand.

Ahri popped out of her fox form into a more a humanized look.

"Wow" Ahri was starry eyed.

"I don't know what I'm doing". I  bounce the orb around on the ground once.

After that happened shards of clear crystals were slowly growing up out of the ground.

"Whoa". I looked at the clear crystals.


My head perked up at Ahri.


"We better get out of here"

"Why , something wrong".

She nods " I felt the presence of a certain someone looking forward to stabbing your head in".

My eyes widened "Is it the Bogeyman , is he coming ear my brains".

"Someone that's real".



"Then get me the fuck outta here so I can get the hell away from her".

Ahri flicks me on the head and I black out.


I wake up on the wooden floor in Ahri's cottage.

"Are you Ok". Ahri looks at me from above.

"Yea ye-".

I looked beside myself to see the same orb when I was in the spirit realm

"It's still here odd".

(???) That girl gotta be around here somewhere but Ahri probably gotten a hold on her.

That was Noodle-Head not to far

I quickly picked myself off the floor.

"This is my que to hightail it outta here thank you for everything Ahri".

I quickly run to the back of the cottage and jumped out the window.

But oh the irony


I slowly turned to see Noodle-head pissed off more than usual.

                   "I'm fucked".

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