2: My Sister's Scheme

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"Alright," Ms. Leyva, our physics teacher said. "Before I dismiss you, I have one final question. Suppose that the acceleration of an object is zero. Does this mean that there are no forces acting on it?"

A couple of minutes passed by and then a guy named Flash rose his hand quick. "The answer is yes." He had his hair slicked back again today. I never really liked the kid, but maybe because he's just a bit of a bully. I never knew what his problem is.

"That's incorrect, Mr. Flash Thompson." Ms. Leyva said. "I was waiting for your reasoning, but it appeared you had none." Our teacher looked around to see that Peter wasn't paying attention, "Mr. Parker?"

Peter jumped and then looked up from his laptop. "Uh, y-yes, ma'am?" He stuttered nervously. I looked at him confused. We never really sat next to each other in the back of the room, but we were across from each other.

He closed his laptop. "Your answer for the acceleration question?" Ms. Leyva said.

"Oh, the answer is no. It means there's a constant force. The object could be moving at a constant speed or be stationary." He said without breaking a sweat.

"That is correct!" She said, then she looked at Flash. "Don't assume you're always right, Mr. Thompson, without reasoning."

Some of us snickered, including me. This year is going to be quite fun.

I noticed that Flash turned to Peter and he mumbled something to him. It wasn't very nice, I'll tell you that much, but Peter didn't seem to mind. He just ignored him.


The bell rang to dismiss the last class for the day, and I sighed in relief.

Unfortunately, my nightmare managed to catch me in time before I escaped on the bus and dragged me away. "No you don't, you're coming with me," Liz said, smiling.

"Oh, wonderful." I said sarcastically against my will. We were heading straight for the Decathlon meeting.


"Okay, next question." Liz said, flipping over her flash card. They were going over drills from their textbook. I was sitting at the table next to MJ and she was reading her book. I talked to her for a little bit, but I could only say so much to her.

I looked over to see a few of the students. Some were spread out from each other to focus with their heads in the textbooks on the floor and some were helping each other out at other tables. The only person that wasn't focused, was Peter who seemed very uptight and nervous. He was speaking to Mr. Harrington about skipping the Decathlon. "Peter, it's Nationals."  Mr. Harrington said, trying to convince him to stay. "Is there no way you could take a weekend off?" Why is he skipping the biggest event ever? Is he trying to disappoint the team?

"If Mr. Stark needs me," Peter pressed on, "I need to make sure that I'm here." Apparently, he was the only student here that got accepted into Tony Stark's internship and it seemed very private, and expensive.

"Have you ever been with him?" Flash asked, flipping through a page, and everyone just stopped with the drills.

"Wait, what's happening?" One girl at the stage asked.

"Peter's not going to Washington." Another girl who was studying from the floor said.

The girl at the stage panicked and I felt that. Losing one member before such a big day sucks.

"Really," Liz asked confused. "Before nationals?"

"He already quit marching band and robotics lab," MJ said, looking up from her book.

We all just stared at her and she looked back at a bunch of confused faces.

"Y/N did her research." MJ spouted out.

"MJ!" I pouted at her. I'm never telling her my secrets ever again.

"Y/N? Would you step in for Peter?" My sister looked at me.

Uh oh. "You want me to fill in for him? Why me?" I asked. We exchanged looks at each other for a moment and I was already hating the idea of what she was about to say.

"She's not even a part of the Decathlon team." Flash retorted. "She's your adopted sister, and why is she even here?"

"Because I'm her ride home." Liz stepped up.

"And Y/N's a lot smarter than you." Peter also mentioned, and Flash just pouted, remaining silence.

Liz looked like a lightbulb appeared above her head and it lit up with an idea. "Peter can show you the ropes and train you a little bit." She smirked and then winked at me. "You're smart, but I need you to learn how to hit that bell fast."

"This is so not happening." I muttered, burying my face in my hands. This is not how I wanted to be introduced! Peter was already looking at me and I could feel it. The hopeful and pleading eyes. He stuck up for me, too. I was taken aback with what was said. He really thinks I'm intelligent? That's saying something.

I should just leave right now. I was going to have to talk to Liz later about this at home and never come out of my room again.

Spider-Man Homecoming (Fanfiction) ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon