Part Twelve (Conclusion)

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Aaaand here is the conclusion. Can't believe my slow-poke self wrote a sixty page story in a wee bit over a month :-D Hope you enjoy and if you'll check the media section, I've used my novice Gimp skills to create a picture of Spencer and Kelsey ;-)

Coming up behind him as he stood before the mirror buttoning up a long-sleeved shirt, she placed her mouth next to his ear. "Have I ever told you that maroon looks so damn good on you?" she softly asked, twinkling eyes meeting his through the mirror. Before he could reply, she once again opened her mouth, "On second thought, naked looks pretty damn good on you too."

The last button finished, he turned around with a grin fixed on his lips, hands gripping her waist to bring her closer. "You resemble an angel in that white skirt outfit, but if you weren't wearing clothes and were on top of me, that's when I would look my best."

Delicately blushing, she winked. "Well played, Mr. Diamond."

"Thank you, Ms. Plumb."

"I have an idea." Not giving him the opportunity to inquire on what idea that could be, she showed him the small camera in her hand while explaining that they should take a picture. "That way we can not only document through videos, but photographs as well. Once a week I can snap your picture."

"Sounds good, but only if you'll take them with me. Deal?"

She beamed. "I'll set up the tripod."

"By the pool maybe?"

"Meet you outside, babe."


Laptop strategically placed atop a stack of books on the coffee table in front of them, the couple occupied the couch in their den. Asking if his partner was ready, he awaited her nod before leaning forward, pressing a button, a tiny light alerting them that they were now recording. Their images on the screen, both smiled toward the built-in camera with him offering a brief wave.

"Hi again, guys. It's me Spencer and my lovely girlfriend Kelsey." She chose that moment to wave, lips still curved into a relaxed smile. "The date is January 1, 2020, therefore, we would like to wish you all a very happy New Year. If you've watched all our videos, you'll notice that we've just been sharing a bit with you about ourselves. How I came to realize that I was transgender, how Kelsey and I grew closer during high school and fell in love, how supportive and amazing she was during my coming out and the sui--you know, what I attempted on my eighteenth birthday." Spencer took several deep breaths while a hand rubbed his lower back in soothing circles. 

"Anyway, we've been super loquacious talking your ear off--especially Kels since she's narrated the bulk of our story, so decided to speed this along so we can focus on today, which you'll soon discover is a very important day for us." Clapping his hands together, Spencer looked toward Kelsey asking if she wanted to go first.

"Like you just said, I've been the bigger chatterbox, so you take the lead with presenting the abridged version of our lives during the last five years."

He winked at her. "Will do, baby." Expression thoughtful, Spencer refocused on the camera. "The rest of our last year in high school went by smoothly. My mom and I were rebuilding the strong relationship we had prior to my coming out, Kelsey and I did well in our classes and were dubbed the lovebirds of the senior class. In fact, we even won Cutest Couple and had our picture taken for that section of the yearbook."

Kelsey held up a hand to speak. "Over the summer post high school graduation, I asked Spencer to paint that photograph, which with his skills, he brilliantly achieved." Noticing as his cheeks colored, she smiled. "It's it in a 20X30 frame and hanging in our bedroom along with a few other Spencer Diamond originals." Leaning toward him, Kelsey kissed that heated cheek. "Continue, babe."

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