Somebody close

Começar do início

"I should have just beat the crap out of you that night," She tried to joke before growing serious. "You're the one who lied to me and took advantage of my trust, Jessie was just the innocent by standard in the crash, but every time I look at her it's like a slap in the face, living proof that you kept a whole different side of your life from me not for the first time, but again."

Meredith, I-"

"I always keep talking when you say my name so just let me finish." She smiled softly.


"But, I've been thinking these past few days and I just, I can't hold onto the bitterness I feel about the situation, I know that you love me and didn't keep this from me knowing it would hurt me this much. Derek, honestly it's hard to trust you sometimes and I don't know if I will ever fully be able to trust you but I love you anyway, we're both human track wrecks but I can't live without you, and I'm, I'm sorry for the way I've been treating your daughter, I can see how much you love her and I want to move past this too ok?"

"I love you too." He whispered as he kissed her temple, let's go home."


He woke up the next morning with his wife in his arms back at home like things used to be, except they weren't. Clearly, nothing was ever as it seemed because things seemed confusing years ago when Addison showed up turning his life upside down, he wasted a year of his life trying to make his already broken marriage work with the women he no longer loved, things seemed confusing then, now the word confusing was an understatement.

"It's time to get up! We're gonna be late!" Meredith said elbowing him in the rib when he didn't reply.

he jumped out of bed almost instantly "I'm up!"

"You seemed like you were awake, why didn't you hear the alarm?"

"Sorry I was thinking about a case."

"There's a case so complicated it kept you up all night and you didn't bother telling me!" she joked as she got dressed.

"does it seem louder than usual downstairs?" He tried to change the subject but was also kind of wondering.

"I guess it does."

When they came downstairs they were completely caught off guard by the number of people just chilling in the kitchen as if they lived there.

"There's the happy couple!" Lexie said cheerfully.

Mark nodded "good thing we weren't here when you guys were having crazy makeup sex, nobody wants to hear that."

Callie and Arizona started laughing, while Alex and Izzie just looked at the ground awkwardly.

"Um, what are you guys doing here?"

"Our apartment is falling apart, and infested with rats and roaches," Lexie explained.

"Not to mention smells like ass 247."

"We thought about getting a hotel but it was really late and Lexie already had an extra key to your house."

"ok, I-"

"so we're moving in for now!" Lexie smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"don't worry only her and Mark are moving in, me and Arizona might need to crash here for a few more days but we'll be out of your hair soon."

An awkward silence filled the room while Meredith just stood there with her arms crossed.

"We should probably get to work and leave them alone," Arizona said.

Not so unknown Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora