Chapter 1

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                “Class, this is the all famous opera populaire. It’s famous for the legend of the opera ghost, or should I say, the Phantom of the Opera. He had a disfigured face ever since birth and was forced to wear a white mask to hide the ugly. He longed for the love of Christine Daae, a diva,” explains Mr. Nicholas. His eyes twinkle as he looks at Box Five. I see him close his eyes and smile. “There’s been much more sightings of the ghost, but none can find his lair below the opera house.”

            Paris. I never thought I’d get used to living here. Especially after I’d lived twelve years in North Carolina with the care of my father. Then he passed away of a car crash, leaving me alone and confused. Luckily, my friend Penelope had offered me to come live with her. So I was whisked away from the life I knew before and taken to Paris.

            Penelope raises her hand. “Are the rumors true that this place will be opening up once again?”

            Mr. Nicholas nods. “Oui. This place will be opening up in about a week to the proud new owners Mark St. Pierre and John Frank.” I hate how people speak in French some of the sentence and English the rest of it. I’ve only been living in Paris for seven years and I speak fluently in French.

            “Do you think the Opera Ghost will return?”

            “No, of course not. He’s dead and gone, just a myth made up by the people of Paris. Christine Daae, however, was a real woman. I’m sure the Opera Ghost was real many, many years ago, but I doubt that people have seen him. If he was real, he’d be dead,” Mr. Nicholas responds to the blurted out question.

            He waves his hand over his shoulder to tell us to follow him. We end up on the stage. It’s very, very large and could fit a very large amount of people up here. I’m sure that’s why they made it so large, so they could fit all the members of productions up here.

            Penelope grabs my shoulder. “This place is giving me the creeps. I keep nervously looking at Box Five.”

            “Nonsense, Penelope! I believe in the Opera Ghost, but he was only alive in the 1800’s. It’s not possible for somebody to be alive this long. Can you believe how old he’d look?” I stop for a moment and sigh, smiling romantically. “He makes my blood boil that he wore a porcelain mask to hide his disfigurement from the world and loved Christine so much he’d kill for her. I mean, that’s a real man.”

            Penelope shivers. “I don’t know, he seems pretty insane. I mean, it’s sweet and all, but he killed people to impress her. Doesn’t that freak you out a bit?”

            I shake my head. “Nope.”

            She does her eye-roll thing and laughs. “I can see why he chose Box Five though. It has a perfect view it seems to the stage, and I guess he wanted a perfect view of Christine Daae.”

            “Yeah, he was truly in love.”

            We both jump to see Mr. Nicholas staring at us. “Are you girls done chit-chattering about the Opera Ghost?”

            We both nod.

            “Very well then. Let’s continue on.”

            We follow reluctantly deeper and deeper into the hollows of the Opera House. We end up in a hallway that smells of dying roses. Mr. Nicholas points at a door with the name “Christine Daae” is engraved on the front.

            “This is Christine’s dressing room. Much of her time was spent in here. Not many knew why, but her door was normally locked. One other person I must tell you about is the Vicomte De Chagny, or should I say Rauol De Chagny. He was in love with Christine and later married her, and they had a son together. Nobody knows what the son’s name was, but many believe it was the Opera Ghost’s son, not Rauol’s,” Mr. Nicholas informs.

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