Ally: Misteries, Brats and memories

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Yay! I'm back missed me. Of course you have. Hope it'so worth the wait. :3
I walk into Algebra. The whole scene with Ren replaying in my head.

". .. and if I win I get your first kiss."

Who does he think he is? Of course he is an spoiled brat use to getting everything he wants as soon as he wants it. But not this time not after he made Elli cried. I still don't know what they are. And the Ren guy is just becoming more and more of a abstract piece. Every time he does something it just becomes more strange.

"...Ellie is a sweetheart Ren is just mad that she rejected him or something like that."

"Oh please!! Ren is a respected young man he is barely 17 and a half and he already is in charge of some his father's companies. He must suspect something is up." Everyone in school was taking sides. The thing at Yancy academy is that the smart students are too smart for the work and the rich students truly don't care. Thus resulting in a Academy full of teenagers with too much time in their hands and a lot of gossip and competition. Usually I try to stay away from all that. I am not exactly brilliant and I do not have a rich daddy or mommy so I try to just be a good student and not attract too much attention. Which is hard when your best friend is the school's #1 idol.

But what can you do? Elli is the type of person that attracts attention. She can't help it. Not that she notices much. I guess i could just stay away. But that's not possible anymore. I can't abandon her. Not more than I can stop breathing.

"If you make that troubled face you'll make people worry about you" Said a voice that I had grown to recognize.

"What you are worried about me Daniel? Have you become that attached to me?" I answer. Knowing he will hate it.

"Please. I'm just worried people might think I'm a sadist if they see me enjoying your suffering." he says going back to his book. Daniel is a quiet person. He has everything to be one of the smart guys that just snoop around but he is different. To him school is about learning. He wants to learn everything. He want knowledge for the sake of knowing. Even if he won't admit it. He is a very good person but in Elli's words he is a tsundere.
He has a hard time admitting to having feelings or being human in general.
"Hey Daniel." Said Ellie as she walked into the room and sat next to Daniel. " What chu doing?" Daniel has gave up on reading his book. He marked his progress and put it down.
"I am prancing in a butterfly costume. Isn't it obvious?" Daniel answered sarcastically.
"I would love to see that!" I answered to his sarcastic comment enthusiastically. He rolled his eyes.
"You know Daniel if your answers are going to be this sarcastic for the English identity project I'm going to have to pscohanalize you." Elli said in her innocent tone a tone that sent chills down my back. It usually meant she had something that forced you to play nice. Not that she would actually use it to harm you. But it is still scary.
"I mean. I was reading. But I got distracted by Alice's troubled face." He answer quickly. Clear intimidated by Elli. Which is hilarious since he is like a foot taller than her. We talked our way through the rest of the passing period before HR. Elli was still shaken up. She didn't appear to be. At least not at first glance. But I can see it. Call it maternal instinct but I can always tell when Elli is troubled. Poor Elli. This is just not her day. First that nightmare than that stupid encounter with Ren. She clearly doesn't want to talk about Ren. And she never wants to talk about the nightmare. All I got of her is that is about how her mom died.
When Elli was little. Her mom died. She has never told me anything about it. Except that she died in an accident when Elli was little and that it was when she visitted her in Japan...
Wait didn't Ren say he was from Japan?
Well well. Looks like the mistery is unraveling.  Mwahahah.
"Hey I sorta have to pretend like I'm teaching here. You know so they won't fire me," ms.R said jokingly taking we out of my evil laugh. Ms. R is one of my favorite teachers second only to Mr.Col well. She is awesome at her job. She treats students like we have some idea of what is going on. She let's us challenge her and yourself and she is tons of fun. But today there is too ,much in my head. I can't concentrate on the lesson for today.
I keep thinking about Ren and his stupid bet. Then about his threat. But what I wonder the most about is Elli's reactions to this guy. Is as if she was trying with all her might to hide from him but as if she wanted to confront him. Then there is the way Ren acts around her. He pushes her and threatens her. But when she hugged my arm his reaction was as if he was jealous and when she looked so sad when she started crying he looked so guilty. Like he wanted to craddle her and cuddle her but didn't know how to without making things worse. Is just as if he was a middle schooler annoying the girl he liked.
I could almost laugh at this thought. Not because it's crazy. It makes perfect sense. But it would mean that Ren. The respected, experienced, oh so experienced Ren was so emotionally undeveloped that he still didn't know how to express his feelings. It was childish' innocent and cute.
Ren being cute?
There must be something wrong with me. Ren is not cute. He is a manipulative, threatening tear-inducing brat.
"So you think I have a cute face and hot body."  I heard Ren's seductive voice in my head as an answer to my remarks.
Damn. I think. I should have answered him. Tell him that I didn't think he either hot nor cute. Instead I told him he was being charming.
"Why would I want to get out of this?"  His answer ranged in my ears making me blush all over again. I hate to admit it but Ren's charms are not wasted on me. He made my stupid teenage horomones go wild when he got so close. But wait if Ren likes Elli why is he trying to seduce me?
"He is a brat remember?" A voice I choose to believe is my conciense tells me cynically.
Which is extremely rude but makes sense. He is a brat he thinks he can have whomever he wants. But his stupid little game won't work on me. I've had years of experience with an impulsive mother to teach me not to let your instincts control you. I've seen where they take you. I refuse to go there. I refuse to be her. I was smart enough to get away from that place. I won't go back.  Specially not for a brat like Ren.
Which reminds me. Where is he? I didn't see him come in. I look around the room. He isn't here.  Great his second day of school and he is skipping first period.
Confirmed. He is an absolute idiot.

Soo? How was it? If you liked it tell me if you hated it. Show me. I can take critizism.

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