
When I woke up everywhere was pitch black aside from the glow of torch that was at the far end or the hut. It was then that I realised that the hut was very big. "You are awake. Should I go bring your food now" I didn't need to ask who it was to know that it was Nnenna's voice. "Yes please" I replied as I sat up from the bed and rested my back on the wall .

She came back moments later carrying two bowls Nneka behind her with a basin of water. "Sorry, we were trying to heat the soup it got cold" I just nodded as Nnenna  opened the bowls as I washed my hand in the basin. It was garri and a soup that I don't recognise. I stared at it for some moments. "The soup is nice. We have eaten it already" I raised my head to look at Nneka.

Nneka likes eating even thou she doesn't know how to cook. Well rather she hates doing it. Since she was someone who likes eating she hardly finds fault with anything she eats. She believes that the organ of taste is in ones brain and not the tongue.

I just turned and looked at Nnenna who nodded to me before I took my first ball of garri and dipped it in the soup before bringing it to my mouth. Nnenna and Nneka just sat there looking at me as I tried to get the taste of the soup. Not bad. As I took the next ball of garri Nneka and Nnenna sighed in relief.

They knew I was always picky with my food. And since we were in a strange land and in the middle of the night I just spared them from going to make food for me by this time of the day.

I noticed the soup had plenty of fish and a snail - like meat it. But it tasted nice all the same. Nneka and Nnenna both cleared the plates once I was done.

They were chatting about this strange village we are to call our home now. Something in the line of their mode of dressing was a bit strange and their cooking. But seriously who would use so much fish for just soup for supper. Well maybe the King.

I allowed sleep to take me when I noticed that I was still tired.

Edikan's POV

Once we made it to the shore I made my way straight to the palace. People greeted us as we passed and I smiled and nodded when necessary as I walked.

I became more excited when I saw the fence separating us from the palace. I passed it and was making my way to the throne grounds when I noticed that Olanna wasn't by my side.

I turned and saw her looking around I went back and gave her a slight nudge. I think she got the hint since she started walking with me.

We just made it to the throne grounds when I saw her walking towards me. I closed the distance before she could and gave her firm hug. When we released each other from the hug my eyes ran down her features. Good she hadn't aged since I left. She still looked the same with her small eyes with wrinkles by the side. Her small button nose and her slightly wrinkled lips

She immediately started fussing over how lean my cheeks had become and started worrying if I wasn't fed well over there. "Didn't they know you are still a growing boy? What were they even feeding you over there?" She kept saying as I urged her that I was eating well and that we were fed well.

I always pretend like i don't like the way that she always fuss about me and calling me a growing boy and all. But in truth I like it and hope she never stops. "So were is your bride? Don't tell me you forgot her there?"

I almost snorted, almost. I raised my eyes and looked to my right and she followed my gaze. She immediately went to Olanna held her shoulders and was turning her around assessing her with a wide smile.

When she was done with her assessing she turned to me "No wonder you spent more than you planned to" I just smiled smugly.

She immediately gave Olanna to one of the palace maids who took her to her hut with both her friends in tow.

" So what did you bring back for this old woman from the foreign land you went to my son?" She asked as we walked to the throne to sit down. "Is the bride I brought back not enough Eka Iyene?" I asked her as I helped her to a sit before sitting on the throne.

"Oh what a fine bride you brought home. She is beautiful. And her waist is beautifully set to carry a child as well. Well if she is the gift you brought for me then I hope you have already put a child in her womb?" She said without blinking. I just looked at her astonished "You haven't?" She asked "Well that is alright, you still have enough time to perform that task"

"I haven't because I want her to be crowned properly before any thing takes place Eka"
I told her. She nodded smiling. I didn't know if I should tell her that getting her pregnant might not be happening anytime soon.

"Now go to your chambers and get cleaned up my son" she said trying to drag me up from my seat. Key word 'trying'. I let her drag me up "You see am not getting older instead am getting stronger by the minute" she said wearing a triumphant smile.

She led me to my hut were three palace maids were already waiting with a calabash filled water, soap and a clean set of cloth to change into. I allowed them do their job as my mind drifted to a certain maiden.

It was obvious that she was intrigued with what she saw and it made me happy. I made a mental note to take her around my lands and show her things that will intrigue her more.

Why was I trying so hard to even impress her?

I just assured myself that I wanted her to be comfortable since she will rule by my side. At least that seemed logical.

I ate my favorite Edi kang ikong soup garnished with periwinkles and fish with garri.

I wanted to check on Olanna when I finished but decided against it. I could hear Eno- Obong and the rest of the warriors as the drank outside. Eno- Obong telling the other warriors who didn't come with us our encounter in the foreign land. Trust my friend to exaggerate his own part of the story. I wonder why people even listen to him when it was clear he was exaggerating.

I laid down and allowed sleep to claim me as their voices faded in my ears.

Where the King entertains visitors is called 'Obi'. He can also conduct meetings with the elders there as well. In this novel I also refer to it as the 'throne grounds'

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