Chapter 11: Talent Scout

Start from the beginning

Lovrina... no-one took Theta seriously when she insisted her mom didn't kill Fire Agate, but what if she really didn't? What if she was sitting in the Pokémon Center? Lovrina intended to kill her, didn't she? So why would she let her live? Chalcedony's P★DA had switched itself off again. She managed to revive it. Before she could attempt to load Roto-Search, something tugged at her fishing rod. She clumsily reeled it in. The Magikarp sailing over her head brought with it a curtain of fishy sea water. She was soaked. Servine, enjoying the sun beside her, knocked Magikarp out. She threw it back in. Something else bit seconds later. Chalcedony wasn't fast enough. It snatched the bait and swam away. The old fisherman yelled. Someone was swimming in there.

'Sorry, bro!'

A towering, muscular boy still wearing his too-tight Gym Challenger's uniform – #94 – emerged from the water. He didn't bother swimming to the steps. He just climbed one of the poles suspending the pier and lifted himself up.

'Y'all fishing?'

Chalcedony raised an eyebrow. 'What do you think?'

'Yo! You were at the opening ceremony!'

He thrust a damp hand at her. His huge fingers almost crushed hers when she reluctantly shook.

'Name's Dirk! Number 94! This is my partner...'

Chalcedony expected a Machamp, although to the disappointment of jocks everywhere, they were yet to be introduced to Orre. What else did douchebros train? Aggron? Skarmory? The Pokémon that leapt from its Beast Ball was little and timid.


'Did you catch that in there?'

'Nope! We've been together since I was just one – 19 years! We were trainin' in there. There's a bunch of Ace Trainers and Veterans guarding the way to Citadark Isle, so naturally, I challenged 'em!'

'Did you win...?'

'Nope, but it was close! How're you doin'? Wanna take us on?'

The grumbling fisherman stood. He shoved his rod back into the rack and left. Chalcedony wanted to catch something decent, but if there was anything left in there, Dirk's shouting had probably scared it off...

'One-on-one? Or do you have another Pokémon?'

'I sure do! I'm not tellin' ya who it is yet, but I'm warning ya – she's tough!'

Chalcedony wondered if he was some idiot who didn't know he was using a Shadow Pokémon. She sent out Rotom to join Servine. Poliwag stared them down. Its teammate was... Weedle. She was pretty sure Dirk's battles with the Trainers guarding Citadark Isle weren't 'close.'

'OK, Servine! Leaf Tornado! Rotom! Thunder Shock!'

Poliwag went down before it could attack. Weedle looked terrified. Even with sticky String Shot momentarily glueing its limbs to its body, Servine was faster. Weedle was squeezed by Wrap. Rotom's Thunder Shock knocked it out. Dirk had no more Pokémon.

'Damn! And we were so close!'

He scooped unconscious Poliwag and Weedle into his huge arms.

'It's not you guys! It's me! Oh. Here's your prize money, Charlie!'


He gave her P3,500. That made it worthwhile.

'You must be real tough to beat us! You won't have any trouble gettin' your Machine Badge!'

That wasn't exactly reassuring coming from Dirk, but she appreciated his genuine enthusiasm.

'Thanks. Have you got yours yet...?'

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