Chapter 1: Ocean Blues

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to kill you Jared." The boy said almost in a growl but his face had a smile on it so he couldn't have been to serious. "Sorry 'bout that." He said turning his attention to Mia.

                   He was close enough that she could actually see him now, he looked a bit older then Mia was, maybe in his mid twenties but age has never been her specialty. His muscles huge as he held himself off the ground, completely covered in sand from falling. His jaw was sharp with almost perfect features, his eyes and hair dark brown yet he looked up at her. His facial expression unreadable. The smile fell from his face but not quite to a frown just more in shock, his eyes staring to her own unable to look at anything else. Worlds turning and twisting to fit them together, finding the two of them together they sat there, eyes connected taking each other in.

"And another one." One of the other boys said behind him as they all headed back to the fire besides the boy in front of her.

"It's no problem." Mia whispered after what was probably an uncomfortable amount of time but he didn't seem to think so or care. She was glad that the others left or this would have been more awkward for everyone around.

"My names Paul." He said moving so he was now sitting up completely in front of her, sand falling from his very toned chest. Her eyes following his chest as a blush spread across her cheeks, hoping it was dark enough that he didn't notice she was just checking him out.

"I'm Mia." She told him trying to come up with something more interesting to say to get him to stay longer but her brain just coming up empty. Which is pretty understandable when a hot guy just falls at your feet.

"I haven't seen you in La Push before." Paul said giving her a smile, holding his hands in his lap trying not to reach out to her.

"No, I'm from New York actually. A really small town." Mia told him "I just kind of started driving a couple days ago and I just kind of ended up here. I didn't even know where I was till earlier today basically."

"You just ended up completely across the country? Can't say I have ever accidently done that. I've also never done that on purpose though either." He told her giving her a smile causing her heart to beat in her chest, if it got any louder the group of his friends would be able to hear it.

"I had to get away for a bit and I was already so close to this side of the coast I figured why not just go all the way and make it a kind of coast to coast trip." Mia explained, picking at her nails nervously, trying hard to not mess up her words in front of him. She was doing quite good so far only stuttering over a couple of words in front of him.

"Well I'm glad. Are you going to be staying in town for a while?" Paul asked, looking almost hopeful but Mia knew better than to get her hopes up. Paul was very attractive, and there was no way he could be single and interested in her. She was different in this small town and she was assuming that's why he even bothered to talk to her at all.

"I was thinking so for a couple days, I got a motel for a week in a town called Forks. It's not too far from here actually." She told him.

"I'd like to take you out, maybe tomorrow if you don't mind? We can go out to dinner if you don't have any plans."

"Uh.. Yeah.. Sure." Mia stuttered out, reaching out to the side of her for her phone in the sand. "You can give me your number and I can call you in the morning?" She asked unlocking her phone and handing it to him, guessing he wouldn't have a phone on him.

"A friend of mine's parents own a diner, It's not much being such a small town but the food is pretty awesome." Paul told her handing back her phone, looking at his contact info on the screen.

"Love of my life? Little bit ahead of yourself there aren't you?" Mia laughed giving him a smile.

"Maybe but it's true, you'll see." He said getting up from the spot, trying to brush off the sand that dried to his chest. Reaching out a hand to Mia to help her off of the ground, she grabbed her sweater shaking it off a bit before throwing it over her arm before turning back to him.

"Guess I will. Bye Paul." She whispered, giving him a shy smile before heading to where her car was sitting on the side of the road. Her thoughts all on Paul when she drove back to the motel, the way he smiled, the sounds of his laugh the fact she barley knew the guy and he asked for her number. Mia always knew she was a bit boy crazy but something was different about Paul and she wasn't quite sure what it was yet.

                It didn't feel long when she arrived at the motel and found her way to her room, it was a small motel. Not the best place she has stayed in but it was one of the few options in the town. It seemed to be clean and had a bed, basic bathroom, and a little kitchenette in the corner if she needed to cook anything. She was sure it would be fine for at least a week, specially if she had Paul to occupy her mind. Mia pulled out her phone, hoping her friend wasn't going to be too busy to answer the phone. After a couple of rings she actually answered.

"CALLIE! I'm in love! His name is Paul and well that's all I know about him beside his got great great abs and doesn't mind the cold." Mia basically yelled into the phone when her friend answered the phone, laughing as she could just tell her friend was rolling her eyes. Her best friend was quite used to Mia's ways, at least every six months it was another boy that Mia was obsessed with. Telling her she was in love, it long becoming a joke between the two friends. They've known each other for years ever since kindergarten when Mia stole the crayon that Callie wanted so she decided to dump the box of crayons across the floor. Neither were quite sure how they became friends after a rude first meeting but they managed. And roughly thirteen years later they still were best friends and kept each other in check.

"With a guy you just met? Tell me he's at least attractive this time." Callie asked while Mia placed her on speaker phone as she dug through her bags for something to change into after she showered.

"Of course!" Mia defended him.

"Callie approved level of attractive?"

Mia laughed at her friend. "You would even find him attractive. I actually have a dinner date with him tomorrow, which was his idea but I'm excited and super nervous. So you may get lots of photos of outfits cause you are too busy in London to be with me in my time of need."

"Be better at picking out clothes then." Callie said laughing, yells and laughter coming from the background.

"Why would I when I have you to do it. I'll let you go so I can go to bed." Mia told her, cutting the conversation off for a different time guessing her friend was busy.

"Yes and call me afterward so I know this Paul didn't kill you." Callie said laughing but slightly serious, Mia wasn't one to pay attention to actually bad people she tended to be oblivious. So Callie often felt the tend to protect her from things, even if she never did a good job, she tried at least.

"He won't but sure. Byes" Mia said hanging up the phone and finished getting ready for bed.

A/N I clearly own generally nothing of this story, I only get to claim Mia and Callie. It is what it is

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