A searing pain shot through his leg, it felt like it was burning, but then he felt the bone move and fuse back into place. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and lay panting on the bed.

"Governor, are you okay?" the legionnaire asked uncertainly.

"Yes, fine. Now, would you like to explain why I am waking up in a tent?"

The legionnaire swallowed nervously, "The city was attacked, by a winged serpent. It was huge, as big as the whole city. It flew over it and set it all on fire with one breath. It was summoned by a mage from outside the city. He spoke on the wind, haunting it was. He called himself the Messiah, or something, said he was going to cleanse the world of Romans. We didn't stand a chance so we got you out of the city through the old tunnels. We've set up a camp for the legion and the citizens that survived."

Max listened quietly, then sat up from the bed again.

"Did the Legate survive?"

"Yes Governor."

"Good, find him and tell him I want to see him. Also find my steward and tell him to bring me some clothes... And I think I'm going to be needing a walking stick."

"Yes governor," the soldier saluted and ran off.

The stewards arrived first, bringing a military tunic.

"I'm sorry Governor, but this is all we have available, the palace was the first to burn."

"It's fine, help me into it."

The steward nodded and Max clumsily donned the tunic. He got shakily to his feet and the steward handed him a shepherd's crook that had been hastily cut in half to make a walking stick.

It was a strange feeling, having power welling up from inside him, almost uncontrollably, and yet walking the yard or so to the exit of the tent was exhausting.

When he pulled back the flap the sight that met him took his breath away. Almost the entire city was gone, in its place was a series of piles of ash. The fragments of buildings that still stood were blackened beyond recognition and looked as though a strong wind would send them crashing down.

Max stumble forward to where the wall had been and leant heavily against a dislodged block of stone. He looked across the city with glassy eyes, still not believing. He bent down and scooped up a handful of ash, examining it and then letting it run through his fingers.

The Legate arrived a few moments later, heralded by his heavy boots crunching through the fragments.

"Governor," he said formally and saluted.

Max waved him down, "To be a Governor I have to have a province, this is nothing more than ash."

The Legate frowned and let his hand return to his waist.

"How many did we lose, Appius?"

"600 legionnaires and most of the Anti-Mage unit, they were the first unit to respond, only Tribune Pilus and 2 others survived."

"How many civilians?"

"Impossible to say at the moment, sir, but it looks like thousands."

Max nodded and buried his head in his hands for a moment. When he sat back up he asked, "Which way did it head, after it burned the city?"

"The majority of the horde marched North but a smaller host went south."

"The horde?"

"Yes sir, I don't know what the collective term for a group of demons that large would be, but there were hundreds of them, swarming everywhere."

The Demons of RomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora