HS smirked: "Good Boy--"

HS & Bogum happily hugged each other when TAE was crying.

HS took TAE to his own house.
TAE was scared with him.

In the room, HS suddenly entered & came near to TAE.

TAE became surprised.

TAE murmured: "Go - go away-"

HS smirked & back hugged TAE.

HS smirked: "Stop doing your drama-
I know you are not virgin innocent--
So stop your nonsense drama-"

TAE tried to push away HS but he failed.

TAE cried: "Leaveee-- leave me-"

HS kissed on TAE's neck forcefully.

TAE felt disgusted in HS embrace!

HS removed TAE suddenly.

HS: "Fineee-- Fine
Afterall you are becoming my husband finally--
It's okay, I will get you soon on my bed Baby Boy-"

HS smirked & left.

TAE sat down on floor while crying in between his knees.

( TAE thought: "Where are you Bunny?
I am missing you---
I am missing you so much-
I should have listen your words---
You told me not to work under HS---
I am helpless--
Please, helppppp me--
Plzzz Bunny!
Your TAE can't live without you---
Plzzz Bunny --
I only love you----
I can't marry HS-
Plzzz-- save me Bunny--
Where are you??-
Bunyy-- plzzzz come to me---
I promise I will listen all your words from now on--
Plzz Buny--"    😭 )

TAE screamed in pain: "Bunyyyyyyyyyyy----"

JK & Namjoon reached at Seoul.

When TAE screamed in pain a gentle wind touch JK's face.

JK murmured: "TAEee?-"

Namjoon: "What happened?  JK--"

JK(worried tone): "Hyung!
I can feel My TAE is in pain--
He is missing me--
I can feel he is calling my name for help---
I can feel My TAE is crying-"

Namjoon: "Is it called True Love where a person can feel his lover's pain even from distance?--"    ❤

TAE was still crying & uttering JK's name.

JK reached at TAE's small house but TAE was not there.

JK became more worried about TAE.

In the mean time, Namjoon informed JK that TAE is in Hyung Sik house.

JK & Namjoon got in car & reached at Hyung Sik's house.

Namjoon didn't go inside.

When JK entered into Hyung Sik's house.
He became speechless to see WEDDING DECORATION in the whole house.

JK overheard some talkings from some servants of HS about Hyung Sik's wedding.

JK became surprised & worried about TAE.

Finally, HS came in hall & noticed JK.

HS: "Welcome - welcome
My young friend--
I knew that you will come here--"

JK became angry to see HS infront of him.

JK ran towards JK in anger & grabbed his coller.

JK shouted: "Where is My TAEeeeeeee??
Where is he?-"

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