(6) Shut the hell up

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I went to class five to make an excuse for Grey, Eugene, and Y/n to hang out with us at billiards. 'I don't see Y/n,but I do see the other two.

I was pretty nervous asking Grey to hangout considering the fact that the last time I did that he brushed it off, and said he was busy. "He..y Grey... what you got going on after school today? You up for pool?"

He stared at me for a couple seconds like I was air; which was not comforting at all. 'Crap.. maybe I shouldn't have asked... he'll say no, no doubt.'

"Okay." "Yeah, I totally understand if you're too busy to....huh?" I know, I'm the best
(hair flip) "AHAHAHA." I laugh, then the next second I rope Eugene into coming too.

"Wait a second... where's Y/n?" "Y/n? Who's that?" Asked Eugene. "He always leaves for most classes. He stays for at least two." Replied Grey in a calm matter. 'Woaaah, he actually had interest in someone.'

3rd POV
Just then Y/n had walked into the talkative aroma trying to get to his desk when—
"Y/N!" He turns his head to the noise which he knew was Ben.

"Um... we were gonna hold a friendly group pool competition at the underpass... and I was wondering if you... wanted to come too?" By this point, Ben was a sweating mess, nervous of Y/n rejecting his offer in a harsh way.

"... I can go, but I can't hangout." Ben was also a bit confused by this statement. "Oh.. but why?" "I work there now." He explained, "Oh...um...can we walk with you on the way?"

Y/n thought about it for a millisecond and decided that it was just walking, but they'd probably find it rude that he had his earbuds on, either way it felt rude to reject him in the first place, so he left it at a simple, "Sure."

Ben had took this as another victory. He had another grin haunting his face as he walked back to his class to tell Alex and Gerard.

"Grey Yeon, AND Y/n L/n?" Gerard asked with his and Alex's mouths hanging open with the thought of the two actually agreeing.

Meanwhile Philip Kim was still confident in his ability, even after Jimmy Bae had lost to Ben Park.

~At Billiards~
Everyone walks in and Y/n greets
[insert name] then gets to work. "Afternoon
Y/n, I have to clean the old equipment can you bring their drinks? They're on your left."

"Ok [insert name]," Y/n made his way out of the storage closet while carrying the tray with drinks on it towards the loud talking. "Here are your drinks."

They all turned to see Y/n a few feet away from them carrying drinks on a tray. "Thanks Y/n! So do you Grey and Eugene know each other?"

Ben asked with curiosity in his eyes forgetting that Eugene didn't even remember his name, until Y/n answered.

"...n- no we don't."
Y/n figured that he should just walk away so he doesn't get involved with them since they've had a lot of encounters over the past week.

'Hmm..Y/n seems like a harder shell to crack then Grey.' Ben, Alex, Gerard, and Eugene thought. "Hey. Do you two know anything about Y/n?" Ben asked Grey and Eugene.

Sure they were all in the same class, but only for two of them, and for those two Y/n ALWAYS kept his head down if not to go somewhere else or help a kid to the nurse's office.

"Not really, it's kind of weird, he doesn't put his head up unless it's to take someone who was unconscious to the nurse or go someplace.

"Come to think of it, he only stays for a few classes." Eugene stated while Ben turned to Grey, "what about you Grey?"

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