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Exactly two seconds after the RV door banged shut behind her, Jade found herself slammed against the wall. "What in the fuck was that?" her boyfriend growled in her ear, nipping sharply at the skin there when she apparently didn't answer fast enough.

Jade tried to wriggle away. "What the hell are you talking about, Beck?"

Usually that tone— God-what-are-you-even-saying?— was more than enough to make him back off and explain. But instead Jade found herself gasping in sheer surprise when her wrists were suddenly pinned over her head, courtesy of one of Beck's hands gripping them so tightly that she arched in an attempt to pull away.

Beck made an aggravated noise in the back of his throat. "Knock it the fuck off and stay still."

Jesus. Jade still had no clue what this was even about; but to be honest, it was pretty hard to remember that's what she cared about right now, because damn if this wasn't hot. She could feel a steady throbbing pick up between her legs that was only exacerbated by the rough pressure on her pinned wrists and the feel of Beck's body bearing down on hers.

She found her voice after only a moment of lightheadedness. "What am getting manhandled for, again?"

Beck laughed without humor. "That fake-black-eye bullshit. You wanna explain that to me, babe?"

Jade winced despite herself. "What about it?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light, even though it was getting harder every second not to rub her body up against Beck's just a little bit... He was still holding her hands above her head, tight against the wall, and seriously, this was one kink she wasn't even aware she'd had until it happened.

"You know exactly what about it, so don't even try to pretend you're too stupid to get it, I know you're not." Beck punctuated his words by suddenly fisting his free hand in her hair, at her scalp. Jade shocked herself by moaning the second he did, her body arching up on instinct even as he used his grip on her to force her to look at him.

Her breathing picked up at the half-pissed, half-mischievous look on his face. "Do you like this, Jade?" he asked slowly, his grip on her hair tightening until something like a whine escaped her. Immediately, Jade felt a hot rush of anger that was much less pleasant than the heat that kept pounding between her legs.

"No, moron, you know I have a thing with my hair—"

"Yeah, I know it turns you on when I pull it," Beck finished for her, smirking in a way that surely shouldn't be allowed to be so enticing, then promptly tugged even harder at the strands he had wrapped around his knuckles.

Jade whimpered, and when Beck grinned in answer she immediately wanted to smack herself. "Quit it, you dick," she hissed, pulling away again— or trying to, anyway, because the moment she tried Beck restrained her with only his hold on her wrists and by forcing her back against the wall with his hips.

He shook his head at her, lowering his face until he could speak directly into her ear again. "I think you're getting off on this, Jade."

She jerked automatically. "Why are you being such an asshole?"

"You're not answering me." His hips came down even harder on hers, pinning her more securely, and with that and the hand gripping her hair and her wrists still held tightly above her head, Jade felt her thoughts growing fuzzy. God, if Beck could just shift a little more, his thigh would be right in between her legs...

A moan was ripped from her throat when Beck's mouth suddenly attacked her neck, working his teeth over the sensitive skin. "Why did you do that?" he asked, voice sending delicious vibrations across her throat.

"D-do what?" Fuck. She was stuttering. Jade gasped as Beck sunk his teeth into her neck, soothing the pain with his tongue a second later. Damn. Damn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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