Chapter 7

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   Lemon cakes remind Hinata of her mother, something in the sweetness, in the fluffy texture, in the scent. When, Naruto brings her a small slice in a brown box it makes her heart swoon, her eyes brim with tears. She was sentimental in that way.

Naruto eyes her curiously, "You okay?"

   They walk together towards the entrance gates. They both woke up early enough to go to the bakery, and get breakfast. She felt nervous, apprehensive. What does this mean? It isn't a date. She reminds herself, taking the small pastry into her mouth. Hinata smiles at him warmly. 


He just nods. "Is it good?"


"You sure? We could always try other places." Naruto decides, he pretended not to notice her sniffles and felt a guilt at not being able to comfort her.

"This is good." She whispers.

"Naah." He shakes his head, smiling at his new self imposed challenge. "Next time let's try this other place, it's further into Kohana so we got to wake up earlier."

    Hinata nods, her smile brightening at his sweetness, at the kindness that he oozed. Naruto can feel her smile, see the way it fills up her face and for some reason, it placates him. His eyes curiously running miles around her face, around a smile he found himself seeking out. He could not reason why but the smile of beautiful Hinata Hyuga was one that brought joy to his heart. She was truly precious to him.

   When they reached the gate, an older man stood with a younger woman. She is about their age, tall, curvaceous, obviously pretty. They were assigned an escort mission, simple and easy. It was assigned to the two of them as a way to keep the two busy. A four man team would be too big, and they worked nicely together. Lord Kakashi had secretly been seeking out a way to rope them into missions whenever possible. He was a hopeless romantic in that way.

"Ah great an old geezer." Naruto mumbled, defensively eyeing Hinata's clothing. He better not be a perv.

"Good morning, we are your escorts for the day. My name is Hinata."

"I'm Naruto!"

"Who cares!" The old man exclaims, blood drips from his nose. "Hello pretty lady Hinata! Wow! Look at you"

A perv.

"Keep your eyes to yourself old man!" Naruto grumbles, placing himself in front of his reddening comrade.

"Move!" The old man glowers. "I don't want to see your ugly face! Show me those nice luscious b-"

   Naruto's fist meets the back of the old man's head. His cheeks red. His body fuming with discomfort and agitation.

"Naruto!" Hinata grabs his arm, pulling him back. She bows. "I am so sorry."

The old man recovers quickly, smirks. "I'll forgive you if you let me take a squee-"

   Just as quickly, Naruto hurls a fist into the old man. His veins popping out from his face. He was livid. They managed to move past the moment. The old man walking ahead with his body guard, the pretty lady with auburn hair. Naruto keeps his pace down, so he can walk by Hinata's side. His face still red, his mind fuming over the geezers insistence on looking back and snickering at Hinata.

"Hinata. " Naruto muttered, pausing.

"Yes?" She stops walking. He seemed oddly serious.

"I might pop a vein or break the old man if this keeps going on like this."

"Ah." She blushes in embarrassment.

   Naruto begins to remove his black and orange jacket, smoothly, slowly. Half afraid that she may faint at any moment because she used to faint over tiny things like this.

"Here." He extends the jacket out for her to wear.

Her eyes widen, her face reddening even more. He doesn't know how she can turn so red.


"But Hinata! He keeps staring at you and saying such gross pervy things." Naruto whines, his arms motioning wildly. "I'm afraid I'll knock the old man out. Ya know?"

She laughs.

"It's only for today." Naruto reasons, "I'm fine without it too."

Hinata's nose scrunches, eyes squint. He noticed she does that when she's thinking hard about something.



"Yes. Thank you." Hinata takes the jacket from his hands.

    Her blush fading into a dusty pink. The jacket smelled like him, like fresh linen and a hint of a cologne that instantly gave her butterflies. She puts the jacket on, it covers her completely, like a blanket. She's embarrassed, a few shades shy of nuclear button red. Despite her embarrassment, Hinata was grateful for Naruto. He was a gentleman.

   She looks so cute. He thinks. Immediately suppressing the thought, he blushes, looks away.

"Great!" Naruto smiles proudly, releasing a sigh of relief.

The old man turns to say something to Hinata but his eyes grow cold. He turns back around, mumbling to himself.

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