Chapter five' surprising events'

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Kai's POV
Right when I was about to put a shirt on I jumped when I heard someone behind me. That can't be no one else is here but me I thought as I turn around totally forgot I had no t shirt on. "What is that smell " I asked no one in particular,it smelled like roses. I locked eyes with chocolate brown ones he is beautiful I couldn't help myself anymore so i vamp sped to the boy and sniffed his neck he doesn't seem to be frightened i thought in confusion in stead he looked like he was enjoying every bit of it , then out of know where he rapped his arms around me and we teleported.

Kai and Jeremy are still holding each other , guess there not letting go any time soon thought Alex and Jeremy thought as they intently watch them hold each other on the couch. It's 8:00am today is Friday it looks like Jeremy isn't going to school today Alex thought. "Let's go it's 8:00 am ". Alex said Jeremy looked at me and and said " sorry but I think I want to stay here " we both nodded and went to school.

Kai's POV
Now that there gone let's have a little fu-

Kai was cut off by Jeremy kissing his lips .which surprised kai ,but immediately kissed back they're basically having a make out out session all day.

With Percy and Alex
When they arrived people would look there way like always but what's different is that they have to deal with a bratty Elena and the Scooby gang and they were not looking foreword to it at all. They both groaned as they see the Scooby gang glaring at them well except for Caroline what did we do this time. Thought Alex and Percy while glaring back at the gang .

Alex's POV
We were about to enter the building ,but stopped were being followed I thought as my body tensed I looked around frantically but ended up finding nothing but a raven that's weird ,the birds looking at me I cleared my throat and hesitated in looking away from the bird and I don't know why but I feel butterflies start to form in my stomach that's not good .I'm nervous. I stopped and realise that we have already arrived at class we quickly sat down and the lesson began.

"World war 2 ended in ...... anyone? Miss Juan .1945" tanner sighed at their idiocy, but continued anyway " pearl harbour ... miss Gilbert?" Tanner asked Elena obviously not impressed.

Elena said non interested in the lesson and is obviously paying more attention to Stefan " hmm? . Elena asked slightly confused .Pearl harbour " oh Elena thought while fiddling with her jumper.

"Umm" Elena said unsure of the answer.I guess it was her lucky day today because Stefan decided to help her. Saving her from any shame.

"December 7,1941 " Stefan cut in. Saving Elena.

"Thank you ,miss Gilbert " tanner said as he rolled his eyes.

"Any time "Stefan said with a smug smirk threatening to show.

" very well . The fall Of the bear Lin well " tanner said in a challenged voice. Ugg why does he have to defend her ,she's a brat thought Percy and Alex as they watch the scene.

"1989. I'm good with the dates sir " . Alex and Percy rolled their eyes ,knowing exactly why he knows this stuff I mean the guy basically lived through it.

" are you ? How good ? Keep it up to the year . Civil rights act


John F assassination


Martin Luther king




Roe vs wade


Brown vs board


The battle of the Gettysburg


Korean War

1950 to 1953- ha! It ended in 1952 " tanner pointed out.

" uh, actually sir it was 53" Stefan said smugly. ugg nerd thought Alex.

"Look it up. Somebody. Quickly" tanner said while pointing at a random student.

" it was....19...53" the student said.

*RING*the bell rang for lunch Stefan had began talking to Elena until he noticed us and walked over which was strange considering he has never ever talked to us directly before.

" sorry for bothering you ,but is Jeremy alright " asked Stefan in a conserved voice " because I haven't seen  him all day ".Percy and Alex looked at each-other in confusion I mean it just doesn't make any sense why is he concerned about Jeremy , must be a mate thing. We cleared our throat and said that he was just feeling a bit under the weather .which was clearly a lie.he just said " oh. hope he's ok then...bye " Stefan said in concern and disappointed that he didn't get to see his Jeremy at all today.which greatly worried him.

The day ended and everyone went home ( cause I'm bored and don't know what else to write, soze)

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