
"Dadwa" Aurora tugged at Draco's pants making him laugh and look down at the little girl who was trying to get on the couch because Draco was watching a movie.

"Come here love" He picked her up and sat her right next to him but it seemed like Aurora had other plans because the toddler scooted closer to him and cuddled on his chest. Draco kissed her forehead again. The two stayed there for more time watching the movie until Draco heard tiny whimpers and sniffles.

"Baby? What's wrong?" He asked the baby who immediately started crying loudly while Draco rubbed her back and kissed her cheeks wiping some of the tears away with his thumb.

"papa" She whimpered again clutching onto Dracos shirt with her tiny hand. Draco sighed, Harry was out for an auror mission but he was coming back the next day, the bad thing is he now needed to convince the toddler to wait until tomorrow morning to see papa.

"I know darling, I miss him too but you're gonna see him tomorrow" He said and the toddlers eyes sparkled, she smiled goofily and yawned making Draco chuckle.

"Crying makes you tired? come on darling  you're safe and papa is coming tomorrow" Her eyelids closed and her breath evened out and before he knew it Draco fell asleep as well. Harry came back at 8:00 am and saw Draco and Aurora cuddle up in the sofa, even if he was bruised he immediately joined them and the small family all fell asleep again.


"Papa! Dad! I got my letter! I got it!" Tiny eleven year old Aurora beamed running through the halls of her house, Sirius their black dog followed excitedly behind her. When she reached their room she opened it and found Harry and Draco passed out all tangled together and the movie Jurassic Park playing in their huge TV.

"Ugh I cant believe you two are still asleep" She grumbled but then smirked as a brilliant idea came to her mind. She backed up a few steps before running straight to the bed and jumping right on top of the two other adults who groaned and laughed. 

"You ruined my nap" Draco groaned as he fell back on the pillow while Harry stretched and reached for his glasses.

"Why would you wake us up pup?" Harry groggily asked Aurora who smiled.

"My letter came" She excitedly explained while Harry smiled brightly and hugged her, at the words that came out of her mouth Draco got up and joined their hug as well. Harry by surprise tackled them all back to bed where he played play in the movie again and let Draco and Aurora lay on his chest while Sirius laid by his feet.

"What house do you think i'm going to be in Dad?" She asked Draco who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Well I think you are going to be a mischievous cunning slytherin darling" He ruffled her hair making her giggle.

"And you papa?" She asked Harry.

"Well gryffindor of course! the best house!" He exclaimed while Draco rolled his eyes.

"Potter Slytherin is obviously the best" He snarled with a smirk making Harry give a fake pained gasp.

"How dare you Draco Potter" The three laughed and continued watching the movie eventually falling asleep.

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