
They all sit at the dinner table, eating the meal Ms. Weasley had prepared for them. The table is full of food- A basket of bread, a fruit salad, a bowl of a jello-like substance, an assortment of small pies (varying in color),  and a large golden brown turkey.

At the head of the oval shaped table sits Arthur Weasley, and opposite of him, his wife is seated. On one long side of the table, Fred, Harry, and Ron sit, devouring their meals. On the other side, sit George, Ginny, and Hermione. 

Once the meal is almost completely gone, the boys immediately dart up the stairs to Ron's room to play some Wizard Chess, leaving the two girls to clean up the mess. 

Ginny stands and begins to stack all the plates while Hermione collects all the silverware from the table. Mrs. Weasley grabs all the glasses, and says to the girls, "Thank you for your help, but I can take it from here."

"Do you want to go up to my room?" Ginny asks Hermione, who is beginning to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, definitely," says Hermione, once again grabbing Ginny's hand. "Let's go."

They skip up the stairs together, Hermione pulling Ginny the whole way up. Once they reach Ginny's room, they burst open the door. Ginny flops down on her bed and immediately begins to take her dress shoes off. 

Hermione stands for a second, awkwardly, before speaking. 

"Hey Gin?"

Ginny blushes slightly at the sound of Hermione saying her name. "Yeah?"

Hermione fiddles with her fingers. "Do you by any chance have something I could wear?"

Ginny gives her a confused look. 

"I forgot to pack my nightclothes," Hermione clarifies. 

Ginny stands up. "Oh! Yeah, of course." She says, walking over to her dresser and rummaging through her drawers.

She pulls out a loose fitting faded red sweater as well as some baggy grey sweatpants, and hands them to Hermione. "Here you go," she says.

They turn their backs on each other as they change into their sleepwear. Ginny slips into some loose maroon sweatshorts, and a baggy white tee that she practically swims in. Hermione puts on the clothes Ginny gave her. They smell like Ginny; a beautiful flowery scent mixed with embers from a fire. Hermione smiles.

Once they are done changing, Ginny goes into a closet and begins to pick out a sleeping bag for Hermione, along with some warm blankets her mother had made. Hermione walks over to Ginny's bookshelf, tracing her finger over the books, examining the titles, and pulling one out every once and a while. 

"Have you read all of these?" she asks, as Ginny pulls out a pillow from the closet. "Most," Ginny responds. "I've been busy with schoolwork recently so I've gotten out of the habit." She admits. 

Hermione pulls out a book and reads the name. "The Tales Of Beedle The Bard," she says, curiously. "I haven't read this one." 

Ginny stands up, walks over to her, and examines the book closely. "Neither have I," she says. 

"Would you perhaps like to read it together?" Hermione asks, smiling.

Ginny nods happily, and the two walk over and plop down on Ginny's bed. Hermione opens the book in her lap and begins reading. 

"Chapter One," she starts.

As Hermione reads on, Ginny moves to kneel behind her, and begins to take out Hermione's updo. She pulls out all the bobby pins and clips, and Hermione's hair falls down to its full length. Hermione continues reading, and Ginny stands up and grabs a brush off her dresser. She returns to the bed and once again kneels behind Hermione.

Hermione giggles at a funny part of the story, and Ginny listens intently while brushing Hermione's soft brown curls.

During the rest of the story, she plays with Hermione's hair; twirling it between her fingers and brushing it some more. Hermione pauses every once and a while to look up at Ginny, who blushes furiously.

After some time, Ginny begins to braid Hemione's hair. Hermione feels a blush on her cheeks- she loves it when Ginny does her hair. 

*Hermione finishes the story*

"The end," Hermione says, concluding the story, as Ginny flops down on the bed next to her. She smiles at the redhead. 

"I finished your braid," Ginny says with a small, goofy smile, as she looks at the brunette.

Hermione picks up a small mirror from Ginny's bedside table at looks into it, giggling at the messy braid Ginny did. "Its cute," she says, smiling at Ginny, who bops her with a pillow. "You know its messy, don't even pretend," she says, laughing.

Hermione grabs her own pillow and bops Ginny right back. 


As both of the girls become sleepy, they make the decision that it's time for bed. Ginny is sleeping on her bed, Hermione in a sleeping bag on the floor alongside her.

Ginny lay facing Hermione. As the brunette drifts off to sleep, Ginny watches how peaceful she looks; the way her chest rises and falls with every breath that escapes her lips, the way her eyelashes create a shadow on the light freckles that scarcely sprinkle her cheeks, the way her brown hair creates a halo on her pillow in the dim light, and the way she looks in Ginny's clothes- how the sweater falls off her shoulder slightly, and how the faded red color of it compliments the brunette's skin tone perfectly. 

Ginny sees Hermione shivering slightly, then thinks of how cold it must be on the floor.

She reaches down and nudges Hermione's shoulder, causing her to stir, and eventually wake up. 

"Hey, sorry for waking you," Ginny says softly, as the Hermione rubs her eyes. "You look cold, are you sure you're alright down there?" she asks. 

Hermione sits up and looks down at her thin blanket, then back up at Ginny. 

"I suppose it is a bit chilly," she says, with a small smile.

Ginny scoots over in her bed, and pats a spot next to her. Hermione gratefully accepts, laying on the bed next to Ginny, as Ginny pulls the covers over them both. 

They lay facing each other. Hermione twirls a strand of Ginny's hair between her fingers, while Ginny admires the beautiful girl laying next to her. Her eyes flicker down to Hermione's lips, then up to her gorgeous brown eyes, and a soft blush blossoms on her cheeks. 

Hermione leans forward and plants a soft kiss on Ginny's forehead, then snuggles in close to her chest, with her arms around Ginny's waist. Hermione blushes and butterflies fill Ginny's stomach. She rests her chin on the top of Hermione's head, brushing through her hair with her fingers. 

"Goodnight," Hermione murmurs, before drifting off to sleep in Ginny's arms.

Hi there, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoyed the story :D

Sorry this one took so long, I'll try to be better about updates. 

Sorry, this particular story wasn't too juicy :/

Next is going to be Draco x Hermione, so please comment some suggestions :)

Thanks for reading :D

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