"You aren't the only one no longer human!" She cried as she landed a harsh punch to his abdomen before slamming her fist into his head making him stumble to the side. He recovered quicker than she though and landed a rough kick to her midsection making her land next to Chris. They both leapt out of the way when he jumped and punched the ground where Chris had been laying leaving a large crack with chunks of the ground up like jagged rocks. 

  Chris had managed to pull a lever releasing steel beams that landed on Wesker burring him beneath them. Scarlett could still feel him and he pushed the beams off himself before rising as she and Chris watched. Wesker's bright red eyes watched them get to their feet with a smirk. 

  "Nice try." Wesker said just before something exploded and a large pipe fell between Scarlett, Chris and Wesker. Fire and the pipe separated the pair from Wesker. She could see that his face had been burned but was already healing. 

"Today's your lucky day. Next time we meet don't count on another." He called glaring at Chris who agreed. 

"Until we meet again. Oh and Scarlett, I will find you again." Wesker said laughing as he backed away. Scarlett and Chris turned and began running through the facility to get to where Claire was waiting while the place caught fire and parts exploded.  They made it through the hanger door as an explosion sent them flying through it and landing on the plane. 

  "Hey, You know I always keep my promises." Chris said to Claire making both her and Scarlett laugh as they all climbed into the plane. Scarlett and Claire squished together in the second seat while he got the plane in the air as the building exploded below them. 

  "Chris promise me you won't leave me alone again." Claire asked softly as she touched his shoulder. Scarlett raised a brow when he said he couldn't promise that. 

  "It's pay back time. We've gotta destroy Umbrella. Let's finish this once and for all." He said and both girls agreed. 

  "Chis I need you to land somewhere outside of the city but I can't stay with you guys. If Umbrella finds me..." Scarlett trailed off and she heard Chris sigh before they began to descend and she saw he was landing in a opening in a forest, it brought her back to when she had departed from Jill and Carlos. When they landed she climbed out of the plane and smiled up at the siblings. 

 "I'll get into contact with you when I can. Stay safe you two." She said before turning and walking toward the small town she had seen from the sky as Chris started the plane back up. 

  "Hey Claire try to stay out of trouble this time. Oh and tell Leon I'm safe!" She called to the redhead before they took off and she began her walk alone into civilization once more. She sighed when she finally made it into the town and found a car she could use to get back to her jeep. 

  After a few days on the road she made it back to the place she had left her jeep and sold the car to a car lot and drove her jeep to another big city where she was going to hide out for a few months before she would inevitably have to move again to stay safe. She turned her computer on having gotten all of her things and moved into a small house in Arizona and began working at a small diner like before still going by the name Aroura Miller for the time being. 

 She found she had a few emails from Jill asking if she was ok and when she would be able to see her again she smiled when she saw she had an email from and anonymous source. 

    Scarlett, I hope you made it out of there. I got word from a source that you managed to save your friend. I'm glad. Stay out of trouble, I don't want to have to rescue you again,-Ada

 She shook her head at the short message before pausing. Her eyes widened when she realized that Ada had been the one to hide her behind that book case in the mansion. She owed Ada far more than she had known back in R.C and she was glad that Ada had made it out, They weren't exactly friends but it was a start. She sighed and sat back in her chair before opening a draft and began typing. She chewed her lip when she was done and read over what it said before sending it.

  Leon, I hope this message finds you well. I'm ok but I won't be able to message you again anytime soon with Umbrella looking for me. This is risky but I felt like I needed to speak to you, to let you know from my own words that I got out of that city safe. I want you to stay safe and please don't look for me. I'll find you when it's safe for me to do so, hopefully it won't be in a situation like Claire was just in but either way I'll be there when you need me. Please be carful and stay safe. 

   With love and well wishes- Scarlett. 

  She turned her computer off and unplugged it once she had confirmed the email had sent and went to get ready for her day at work. She knew eventually she would see everyone again and the Umbrella and others like it would always hunt for her because she had been the one true success they had. They weren't going to let her go that easily but she would always oppose them and what they stood for. She, like the others would fight back against their B.O.W making ways. 

  Her life was going to be hard but it was going to be hers and no one would make her do anything she didn't want to again. 


Sorry this book and chapter are shorter than the others but this book is over. I hope you continue the journey with Scarlett and the others. I will.be posting the next book soon. -Ash

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