She looked shocked for a second before realisation spread across her features.

"My name is Jacqui," she smiled at me. "It's nice to meet you."

(Jacqui's name is pronounced 'Jack-e')

"My God," Andrea rasped, "it's like Times Square down there."

We were back to looking down at the street below, where dozens of Walkers had congregated.

Morales turned to look back at T-dog, who was leant against the wall in pain, still trying to contact whoever was on the other end.

"How's that signal?" He called.

T-Dog fiddled with the dial before answering.

"Like Dixon's brain..." he quipped, "Weak."

Dixon put his hand up and stuck him the finger to which Morales sighed.

"Keep trying." He groaned. We'd had no luck in getting through to anyone other than our own walkies, which were now turned off.

"Why?" Andrea fumed. "There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing."

She turned from the ledge and walked away.

We were all tired and annoyed. Being stuck on a roof with no way out was not fun. Being stuck on a roof with a racist, bigot redneck was even less so.

Rick turned to stare quizzically at Morales.

"Got some people outside the city is all." Said man turned his head to look at us, Rick who stood next to him, and I who was next to Rick. "There's no refugee centre. That's a pipe dream."

Rick seemed to droop slightly at this. He thought for a second, looking back down at the horde.

"Then she's right." He nodded towards Andrea. "We're on our own. It's up to us to find a way out."

I nodded and looked to the group. I agreed with Rick as the group exchanged looks.

We were on our own.

"Good luck with that." Ah. Of course. We were alone, with Merle.

We turned our heads to listen to his yammering.

"These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear. Ain't that right, sugar tits?" Merle looked to me with a dirty grin on his lips.

He looks me up and down and continues his sexist little speech.

"Hey, honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies?" He thrust up his hips slightly and I recoiled in disgust. "Gonna die anyway."

"I'd rather take a swan dive off this roof." I scoffed, turning back to the ledge.

"Rug muncher." He drawled, "I figured as much."

As a raging bisexual, I has the urge to turn around and kick his balls into his teeth. But I didn't.

Morales sighed, but agreed with the redneck.

Fight With You - Daryl Dixon TWDWhere stories live. Discover now