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TW/ Self-harm

I've always known how to tell stories, that's the only reason why I'm telling you mine.

To begin with, Hello, my name is Superbia. Yes, an original and beautiful name, I am often told. In fact we can say that I am frequently complimented, from the most heard to the most unpublished. I have always loved myself, no actually to be honest I haven't always been the way I am today.

Every exceptional person has these origins;

As a child, I was bullied, between insults and abuse, my suicidal desires were frequent. I cried every night, alone in my room plunging into darkness. This bullying became so violent that one day I even came to the blade. I had cut the veins in my left arm, I remember.                                                                          I had probably done this to feel the pain that was being inflicted on me even harder or something depressing like that. But don't worry, it was the first and last time I did that.I may be excellent at many things but resisting the pain of tearing her skin is not really in my skill set and what a fool I was doing to tear my beautiful ebony skin.

Finally, it was that same night that I realized that I didn't need anyone, that I would always be the only person who could love me stronger than anyone else. I will be the only person by my side until the end. And if I had to be in love with myself to overcome the belittlement of others and become who I am today then I would cherish myself for ever.

From that night on, absolutely everything changed.

Today you know more or less my character. You could say that during my unforgettable life, and when I say unforgettable life I mean of course every second after that famous night, I really became someone and accomplished a lot: main character in a successful movie, painted canvases exhibited in the Louvre, released three albums that sold more than five million copies each, and not forgetting my international modeling career.                                                                               Yes, that's a lot and you know how I managed to achieve all these things?                                                First of all thanks to my innate talents and secondly by trusting me completely and knowing that I was capable of it. As a result, the whole world knew my name.                                                                                 My life was perfect because I had decided so, me and only me. I was the one person in charge of everything and anything.                                                                                                                                                   This was probably the reason why I had no friends, but instead a billions of fans who made my bank account a way to make Steve Jobs jealous.                                                                                                   I was my girlfriend, my best friend and my hypeman, so in your opinion did loneliness affect me? The answer for the most retarded among you is no.                                                                                    My religion was Superbia and I lived only by the view of my pretty face and the awards and compliments I received by the thousands. I was the best, I knew it and let it be know.                           However, I hated people using their false modesty or demeaning themselves to receive flattery. If you are one of these people, you should know that if someone doesn't compliment you for an asset you know you have, it's either because this person is jealous of you or because your asset exists only in your head.                     Either way, do like me. Proclaim loud and clear!                                                    I'm incredible, I'm aware of it and I say it to anyone who wants to hear it or not and I don't wait for someone to tell me what I already know. And if you tell me "No, you're not incredible! "I'll say, "That wasn't a question, Bitch," and I'll keep walking through this world of mine.                                          But don't get me wrong, I love compliments. They are my daily drug. But not the ones that are said to reassure you when you feel sorry for yourself. Oh no what a shame!                                                                Now you can't say I'm not honest. I even praise myself in interviews more than the stupid journalist asks questions.                                                                                                                                                  I also specify that the comment like "She took the big head" or "Excuse us Beyonce" has absolutely no effect on me and it's to say that Beyonce even has a fan account dedicated to me so...

In short, all good things come to an end but mine was not very nice. It is necessary to know that as many people idolized me, what is completly understandable.                     But a lot of people hated me too. Some people said that my self-esteem and arrogance disgusted them and that was why they didn't like me. But you and I are aware that it is surely my glory, my talent and my perfect body that they envy.                                                                                                                                                            It is often said that if nobody loves you in the end you are nobody. Another proof of my greatness.      In any case, I don't really care about them, I'd rather not admire myself all day long than to give importance to jealous rats.

Rats who became responsible for my tragic death. All this happened during one of the concerts I was giving in Tokyo.                                                                                                                                                               I remember saying "it's time to take pictures, I look good!". And honestly, the wind in my hair and my elegance in this dress would have made great photos. But instead of the cameras flashes, there was just one shot from the crowd. This guy knew how to aim for sure. The result was a bullet in my temple, blood flowing on my velvet dress, my new single made background noise and the crowd was shouting deafening cries. Everyone was running in all directions.Chaos. I will be miss.

In conclusion, I regret absolutely nothing. All the love I received from my most faithful sender, me. Made me climb mountains almost bigger than my ego and I am so proud of that. Proud of myself.

Now it's time to make the introductions again;

My name was Superbia, but in hell my name is Pride, one of the seven deadly sins. I always knew that after death I would be as recognized as on earth. Hell has done its job well.                                     Oh and your time in hell is far from over.                 An autograph ?

Thank you for reading, other sins coming soon !

We are the Seven Deadly SinsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin