if you don't know

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"waiting for this love" continued //

"well...?" ruben cocked his head to the side, sitting next to you.

"uh... uhm..." you knew what you wanted- needed to say, but the words wouldn't come out of your mouth quick enough.

“uhh, babe?” ruben picked up a pair of boxers off the floor and dangled them in front of you.

god damn it austin.

you gulped as you looked nervously at the boxers and at him.

“yeah...? ” you replied.

“why were austin's boxers in our bedroom? ” ruben seemed to become agitated as his grit his teeth together.

you started to shake in fear because you knew how he got when he was mad, backing up into a corner.

“are you cheating on me?!?!?” ruben yelled furiously.

“i tried to tell him i couldn't do—” you were cut off by him shoving and smacking you.

“BUT YOU DIDN'T NOW DID YOU?!?!?” ruben continued to yell and rage at you, even when you ran outside trying to get away.

you ran faster and faster, you knew there was only one place that you could go to be safe— your sister's house.

so on you ran, hoping your legs could keep up with you.

maybe you shouldn't have told ruben...

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