How did this work?

It lead to me walking around the place feeling like I was totally and completely lost and we weren't even an hour into the party.

Hell on earth. I wanted to leave, to crawl up in my covers and sob into my pillow.

And somehow, without even intending on it at this point, I had completely avoided Zack. He was no where to be seen for the majority of my time at the party, and when I did finally see him, I quickly turned in the other direction. Because I was so furious I knew the people in the living room were about to see his head come through the wall when I slapped him so hard he went flying.

In order to avoid that, I walked into the dead end of a hallway, almost daring Zack to notice me and follow me.

Instead, when I turned around, I came face to face with Mr. Leather-jacket-man. The guy that scowled at me clearly because he thought I had quite literally raped what I assumed was now his boyfriend.

"Are you proud of yourself?" He asked me loudly, his feet about a foot apart from each other as he took up a manly stance in front of me, a nice slouch going on while he blocked the path in front of me.

"Proud of what?" I asked through gritted teeth.

He snarled at me. "What the fuck do you think I mean? You little rapist piece of shit. Get the fuck out of here!" He spat angrily. "You scar him for life and then think it's okay to show up to his friends birthday parties to mess with him you sick fuck?!"

I took a step back. "He's fucking lying, if anyone should leave it should be him!" I said loudly, glad we were a little set apart from the rest of the house so that it was unlikely people would hear us here.

But I knew if tempers rose any further it would be a shouting match, no doubt about it.

I didn't regret asking everyone though, a warning was nice to have before someone came at you with an accusation like thiis.

"He's lying?" He said, astounded. "You don't even remember it, how the fuck can you say he's lying so sure like that! If he says it happened you should be begging for forgiveness kissing his fucking feet, not jumping to the 'you're a lying piece of crap' bullshit."

I couldn't breath, I was pretty sure my mood was as close to the cartoon steam coming out of your ears as anyone could ever get in real life.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I said in a low voice, slowly because I was coming really close to stuttering out of anger.

"And you do?!"

I took a deep breath. "I caught him sleeping with another guy in my fucking bed and broke up with him. He didn't tell me any of this shit, none of it! I only found out today that this is why my friends have been stopping talking to me!" The more I spoke the louder I got and the louder I got the more I remembered how to speak, the more I remembered how everything came together in my defence. "We even met recently! He hit on me and tried to get back together with and freaked out at me because I had a hickey on my neck which... which wasn't a..." I took a deep breath. "He tried to get back together with me when he thinks I'm a disgusting alcoholic rapist? Is that what you want to say?!"

He looked at a loss for words for a moment. Then he found them. "You're lying."

I stared at him. "There would... would be CCTV or something. It was only a week or something ago."

His gaze seemed empty, confused and still angry. "I don't believe you."


"He might have gone to meet with you but he didn't... there's no way he hit on you, no way in hell buddy."

Skin and Bones (boyxboy) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ