(97) TMotDS: Electric Conspiracy!

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The prefect meeting had concluded for a long time, but Riddle and Jonah stayed behind in the Mirror Chamber, staring at the Dark Mirror, waiting for a sign it was rippling. "How long do you think it'll take them to come back?" Jonah asked, hands scrunching in the clothes folded in his lap.

"Who knows?" Riddle sighed. "Hopefully they don't get too much trouble."

"What are you two gentlemen talking about?"

Riddle stood up, standing between Jonah and the approaching Octavinelle Prefect. "What do you want, Azul?"

"What's wrong? Can't I just greet a fellow prefect?" Azul shook his head in a disappointed manner. But then, his gaze turned to Jonah. "Oh, Mister Argentum, you wouldn't mind if I borrow Mister Rosehearts for a while?"

Jonah shot up from his seat and reached for his cutlass on his belt, even though Riddle was still in front of him. "What do you want from him?"

"There's no problem." Azul tapped his cane and Riddle noticed the way his gem glowed. "Didn't you think that you want to go to the nurse about your condition?"

He heard Jonah gasped behind him. "I..."

"Run along, then." The Octavinelle Prefect smirked. "And don't even think of following us."

Jonah let out a grunt and his hand slipped away from the hilt of his sword. "Fine."

Without even looking up, Jonah picked up Cater and Jack's clothes and walked away from the Mirror Chamber, closing the door behind him. Riddle's grip on his magical pen became tighter. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Azul chuckled, stepping aside and slung his arm over Riddle's shoulder. "I just gave him an order and he follows what I command. He partially doesn't have his free-will, after all." He started to walk, bringing Riddle with him toward the door. "Now, Mister Rosehearts. It has been a long time since we talked with each other. Our last meeting was rather..." He snapped his fingers, trying to find a good word to describe it. In the end, he settled with. "Unpleasant."

Riddle rolled his eyes and pulled himself away from Azul's one-sided hug. "I'm not interested in your petty talk." He started to walk ahead and opened the door. "If you excuse me..."

"Oh, I think you might want to listen to me," Azul said when Riddle was already one step out of the chamber. But then, Azul said, "Or else something might happen to your vice prefect."

Riddle stopped. His eyes widened as he turned around. "What did you do to Trey?!"

Azul chuckled, once again slinging his arm around Riddle's shoulder and pulling him closer. "Why don't you come and see?"

Riddle wanted to blast him away. He really did. But, Azul somehow got Trey, and possibly the trio as well. The Heartslabyul Prefect sighed and nodded.

Azul just smirked, knowing that he had his pieces come together.


"[Expelliarmus]!" Deuce shot a spell, aiming it toward Cater's pen but the senior had shouted, "[Protego]!"

A shield materialized in front of him. However, he didn't notice Floyd came swimming toward him from behind, his magical pen sparking with electricity. With a laugh, he shot his sparks toward Cater, but the senior managed to swim away. In turn, Cater twirled his hand creating a tornado that hit Floyd, throwing him further from him.

"Deuce! Why are you here?!" Cater turned to the mackerel.

"I'm sorry!" Deuce said, tone guilty. "I didn't know that he would take me here and forced me to drink that potion."

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