Coffee Shop

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You were standing near the counter, waiting for your cup of coffee so maybe you could seem a little more cheerful at your job.

Finally your cup came out and you quickly reached for it to take a sip.

You started to drink the coffee, but you quickly realized that this was not yours and you instantly took the cup away and looked at the label.

Black coffee with some sugar... yuck.

You looked around the shop to see if there was anyone waiting for a coffee and a tall man in a suit was standing there, looking down at his watch.

You walked over and said "Sorry, I think I grabbed your drink on accident. You seriously drink that?"

He laughed as he took the cup and saw that it was in fact his drink before replying "Thank you. And what's wrong with my drink order?"

You playfully rolled your eyes "It's boring and icky. I don't get how people can just drink it plain like that."

He was still smiling "Alright well, we have very differing opinions then."

You returned his sweet smile and said "Hey, let me get you a new lid... You probably don't want your lips turning red."

He looked down at his current lid and saw the red lipstick stain you had left on the brim and responded "Thank you. I don't need my coworkers making any assumption because trust me... They will."

You giggled at the thought of his peers teasing him for having lipstick on his lips and probably thinking he had gotten with someone.

He handed you his cup and thanked you once again.

You walked over to the little station and picked up a napkin and quickly pulled out your pen and scribbled your number down and wrote a little note that said "Maybe we can go out for another cup of coffee... I'll even buy you that gross stuff you call a drink"

You smiled down at it with content and hurried to changed the lid out and walk back over to him to return the coffee.

Another cup was set on the counter and you walked over, read the label that had the correct order.

"You seem like you're in a rush." You said, walking back over to the man who looked down at his watch again.

He met your eyes and replied "Well, I work as a federal agent, so being late isn't the best thing."

You smiled and said "Well, I wouldn't want to keep some fancy federal agent any longer than necessary. Before you go, though, What's your name?"

He returned your smile "Aaron Hotchner, you?"

"Y/N L/N." You replied before handing him the napkin and leaving the coffee shop.

God... Please let that work.

A couple hours had passed and you were sitting at your desk at your boring office job that you couldn't wait to just quit, but you had to find a new job first.

That filled up most of your days, looking for a job that wouldn't make you want to jump off a building.

You were scribbling a couple things in your notes before your office phone began to ring.

"Y/N L/N." You said after picking up the phone and placing it in between you cheek and shoulder as you continued to write.

The man on the other end said "Y/N. I was hoping this was you. I hate to disrupt you at work like this, but I just wanted to call you."

You had instantly recognized the voice to be Aaron Hotchner and you quickly replied "Oh you're not disrupting anything. I'm actually glad you called. I thought I was just some idiot who gave a total stranger my number."

He chuckled and responded "Well, with the persuasion from my coworkers, I was wondering if you would want to go out?"

"Yes!" you eagerly said, realizing you sounded too excited, you tried to again "I mean... yeah, that'd be nice."

Another chuckle escaped his lips before he said "Great. Does tomorrow at 9 work for you?"

You couldn't stop the huge smile that formed on your lips before you said "9 is good for me."

"Alright. And just be aware, my work could stop me, but I'll do everything in my power to pick you up, just send me your address from your other number... I'll text it later."

The smile wouldn't leave "Okay. I can't wait."

"Me either. I'll talk to you soon."

You both hung up and one of your coworkers came up to your desk and asked "Why are you all smiley."

"I just got a date." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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