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You had always loved the library. Coming in after long days of work and settling down with a nice book to calm your nerves.

You loved searching the shelves for books that made you nostalgic, new books that you just had to read, or comfort books that helped you through rough times.

It may seem dorky, but the library had become a safe space that you had become well acquainted with. 

You had been searching for a new book for some time now, but you couldn't seem to find one that caught your eye.

Finally, you saw a very interesting looking book, that you wanted to give a shot, so you tried to reach up for it.

Damn your short legs.

You looked around for a moment and your eyes laid on a dark, handsome stranger that was quiet tall and right behind you.

You tapped him on the shoulder and said, shyly "Can you please help me reach the book up there?"

He smiled and approached the shelf and asked "Which one?"

You said the name and he pulled it down, a small smile still remaining on his lips as he asked to look at it quickly.

You, of course, let him since he was the only reason you would be getting it.

"So, I haven't seen you here before. Is this your first time here?" He asked, flipping through a couple of the pages.

You shook your head and said "No. I actually come here all the time. Maybe we've just missed each other."

He looked up and said "That's a shame." 

Your cheeks were surely bright red and you could feel you stomach doing cartwheels just being in his presence.

You looked at the clock quickly before turning back and saying "I never caught your name."

"Aaron Hotchner."

"Y/N L/N."

He smiled and said "Well, I best get going. It was nice meeting you, Y/N"

You smiled back and replied "You too." 

He walked over to the check out and walked out with a book that you hadn't noticed in his hands.

Rather than staying in the library for a bit, you decided to start your new book in bed, so you walked over to the check out as well and got your book that was due back in 2 weeks.

You drove home, not being able to get Aaron out of your mind.

He was very handsome and the thought of his smile and kind words made you feel so many emotions.

These were things you read in books... You never thought you'd feel them yourself.

Taking a particular liking to romance had it's ups and downs as you loved the thought of happily ever after's and story that made you heart melt, but on the other hand, it just didn't feel realistic.

Could these perfect love stories really happen?

Well, you weren't sure.

However, the feelings authors would write the main character to have in front of the love interest definitely had some truth to it.

The way you felt by just meeting him almost seemed pathetic, but you couldn't help it.

How were you going to see him again?

Maybe this was like a story and he would just be the one who got away.

Or maybe it wasn't exactly practical to compare your life to the life of a character from the perfect love story.

Whatever you were feeling would probably fade.

Real life was harsh and it sucked, but not everyone's life could be a flawless fairytale.

You finally got home and got into some comfy clothing before deciding to at long last, dive into your new book.

As soon as you opened the page, a small piece of paper fell from the pages.

That's curious.

You picked up the fallen paper and observed it.

It was a business card.... That's certainly odd to be in a book.

But, it wasn't until you read the name on the card that you realized what this was.

The bold letters at the top read 'SSA AARON HOTCHNER'.

He Gave you his number.

You couldn't stop the wide smile that formed on your face.

Maybe life could be like a book at times.

Maybe you're supposed to meet certain people and certain things are supposed to occur that will move the story along.

What if... Life could give you a perfect love story?

Maybe that just happened.

Aaron Hotchner X Reader One Shot BookWhere stories live. Discover now