Their past my future

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I still remember the day I met her. So beautiful and intelligent like the red roses that my mom had in our garden.

It seems extremely funny that back then I didn't know her name. I asked my dad and he said "She is a Weasley Scorpius "with a weird smile on his face and I almost heard that whisper "... And Hermione's daughter.

I took my eyes off her and I hugged my mum and then my dad " So, dear son I don't want to make you feel nervous however if the Hat put you in Slytherin I would be as happy as it takes, if it doesn't.... " I looked at him curiously without knowing what he was about to say but my mom interrupted him " We are proud for you and nothing else matters... Now get on the train " I went inside and I found a seat.

Today was something I was waiting all my life!

Eleven years I've been dreaming of Hogwarts and now it's about time to make my first steps inside it. The story begins right here.


In platform 9 and 3/4 everything seemed noisy and by the time I got into the train I tried to find a seat . I might say that it was my faith that I sat next to him because the train was full however I already knew who he was, Malfoy's son...

My dad was pretty clear when he said that I had to stay away from him and that was what I wanted to do but life is weird. I picked up a book from my bag " Hogwarts a History" and I tried to concentrate but his eyes were on me and he seemed like a lost puppy...

-"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed by him.

He took a deep breath and he panicked as he drop his chocolate frog... Well to tell you the truth I couldn't help myself and I smiled. However he didn't bother to pick up his chocolate...

-" I am Scorpius... Malfoy" he added and I shook his hand.

 -"Rose Weasley" He looked exactly like his father pale face, blonde hair and two beautiful eyes that could make you fall in love.

-"Nice to meet you Rose" he said with more confidence that before not to mention his smile that all of a sudden had appear " So your a Weasley... "
I really didn't know if he was Ok with that or he was preparing an unpleasant comment.

-"Yes I am...and Malfoy if you want to say anything mean go ahead! My dad told me a lot about your family " the words came out of my mouth and I was sure that he wasn't different...

-"Oh...and what he said if I may ask???" his eyes stared at the floor with the shadow of sadness on his face.

I couldn't speak and I kept my breath because I had made a mistake! I remind him of a past that he wasn't a part of but still he was aware of.

-"No, don't tell me..." we sat in silence for a couple of minutes and then he stood up " I'll get another chocolate frog " he said and he left, needless to say that he didn't came back.

"Hey Rosie come quickly, James is in trouble!!!" Albus Potter told me and I followed him. I can't believe how crazy this day and "Merlin's Beard why am I still thinking of Scorpius sad face???"

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