"Good morning to our ever grumpy poodle." Atlas reached out to ruffle her already frizzy hair but she slapped it away with a loud smack.

"Good morning Octavius." Isolde purposefully ignored Atlas's greeting.

The two glared at each other through the rearview mirror, his blue eyes and her brown ones narrowed to slits.

"Can y'all ever get along?" Octavius intervened, his deep voice cutting the tension weighing the car. "I don't get how we're friends really." He grumbled.

It has been four months since the three first started to hang out. Octavius was perfectly happy with his new and unexpected friend group, adding yet another one to his wide collection. Atlas was relieved he had made friends rather quickly but was still slightly worried about their acceptance of him. He kept it a secret though, covering it up by sarcasm, which whenever asked about, he'd reply with his favorite Stiles Stilinski quote that he'd made into his life motto: "I'm 147 Pounds Of Pale Skin And Fragile Bones; Sarcasm Is My Only Defense." Isolde, finally, was the only skeptical one left. She didn't know what to do with that newfound tingly feeling of giddiness she'd get whenever they were around. She hated the fact that it  was starting to get really hard keeping her emotions and expressions in check, especially when Atlas kept prying at them. She would never admit it out loud, but she liked the attention and time they dedicated to her.

The silence that had hung in the car prevailed, making Octavius rather awkward. He tapped his finger against the steering wheel thinking about something to say or a joke he could crack to lighten the mood. Poor boy didn't get the other two's playful banter.

Suddenly, his eyebrows shot up, his lips tugging into a charming smile as his sharp canines were put on display along with his little dimples.

His hand gingerly reached out to raise the volume of his radio, as he sheepishly began singing along to the song playing.

"I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart"

Isolde, with her arms crossed over her chest, turned from the window to make sure her ears weren't deceiving her.

"I look around, turn the radio down
He says, "Baby, is something wrong?"
I say, "Nothing, I was just thinking how we don't have a song"
And he says"

Octavius proceeded, glancing at both his passengers as he held one of his hands to his mouth like a microphone.

Atlas and Isolde exchanged baffled looks, before Atlas began singing along.

"Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know
Our song is the way you laugh
The first date; "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have" "

At this point the boys were having a screaming contest, none of their voices particularly appealing.

Isolde felt an unbelievable itch and the corners of her lips as she forced them into a tight lines. Away from their eyes, her finger tapped to the beat against the leather seat.

"And when I got home, 'fore I said "Amen"
Asking God if he could play it again"

Atlas and Octavius turned to her, exaggeratedly  waving their hands as they screamed in her face.

"COME ON YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO SING ALONG!" Atlas yelled shaking her by the shoulders.

"How do you two even know the lyrics to one of the girliest songs to even exist?" Isolde asked, no longer able to contain her smile. It felt so foreign on her face that she felt the need to cover it with her hands.

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