Episode 1 - Sun's Shadow

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"I have an idea to help us get better, faster," Bailey said to her teammates. The five girls sat in a red booth at a faded green table; they attacked the large pepperoni pizza that just arrived. The lunch crowd filled the restaurant around them with a low murmur. Bailey spoke over the patrons around them once the girls decided simultaneously to let their pizza cool a bit. She was the only one that didn't try to bite her stringy, steaming slice. "If you're looking for suggestions." Bailey looked across the table at the official team captain, Jenny.

"'Course," Jenny nodded. She didn't know if the former captain was mocking her, or actually being respectful. Bailey managed to always keep herself calm and paced in the short time Jenny knew her; it made her difficult to read. She did seem to be more at ease since they first met. However, Jenny wasn't sure if Bailey was warming up to them or if she was still recovering from the news about her father. She learned quickly that large bursts of emotion in a day left Bailey off-kilter for a few days. Jenny nodded then blew on her slice. After several quick puffs, she managed to take a bite. She chewed open-mouthed to try and give the molten cheese as much airflow as possible. The rest of the girls, Britt, Dirge, and Dread followed her lead but took smaller bites.

"Ms. Sharp said we could use the main track to practice any time, but we've done all we could practicing against ourselves. We could start inviting other teams, but a better idea would be to practice where everyone else does. It'd be easier to find novel opponents," Bailey said. After her suggestion, she finally took her own bite. She did not have as much trouble as the rest.

"Where does everyone practice?" Britt asked. 

"The Schoolyard server is popular," Jenny answered. "Even teams that own their own server train there." Dirge and Dread exchanged glances, then nodded at each other.

"Oh," Britt replied. "Daddy never let me visit." She took another bite. 

"But, you can now, right?" Bailey asked. Britt nodded enthusiastically.

[party: Totes. -Britt] She Whispered a reply to the team chat to avoid talking with a full mouth. Jenny saw the blue text appear and hover in front of her; she did not like the way nanos tickled her ear and chose to display them on her eyes instead. The rest of the girls heard Brit's voice clearly in their ears and felt the text on their inner wrists.

"We have a home track at the Schoolyard," Dread spoke up after swallowing a bite. "Jelly_Jim said we could use it any time."

"Oh," Bailey said curtly. Jenny felt excitement flutter in her gut but she didn't know why. "You guys know Jelly_Jim?" Bailey asked. Dread's mouth was full and Dirge answered instead. She turned to face Bailey next to her, her raven curls bounced with the quick motion; then again when she nodded.

"Mundo sent us on a quest -"

[party: oh yeah... -Dread] the Whisper came while Dirge explained. Dread nearly forgot about the quest entirely. She'd been having too much fun with roller derby.

"-and sent us to Jelly_Jim for training. He said he didn't have anything to teach us, the only thing left to do was practice. He said we could use his track any time; but, what's so special about him?" Dirge asked, then took a bite.

"He's the best Card Mage on the Schoolyard," Bailey replied. "And the buzz is he got a major upgrade. Somehow he found Vegas' Token; he's probably the best Card Mage in the AlterNet now."

"Vegas' Token?" Dread asked."What's that and why's it good?"

"Vegas' Token is the best-in-slot flair for Card Mages. Once per half you can do anything with your hand and get away with it for a quarter lap. Most people just draw and try to play their whole deck at once, but there are better ways to use it," Bailey explained. Jenny's excitement quickly dipped into disappointment as she heard the news from Bailey. She stopped eating to focus on the feeling and find its source. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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