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Chattering woke me up, I felt straps around me, it took me a moment to adjust I didn't know were I was or what was happening, until I remembered what happened before I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around me, I had a seatbelt on, where was I? A ship?

"We're going to the ground motherfuckers!" A boy said

I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't even notice the amount of people around me, there were at least 100 kids in this ship.
Wait a damn minute!  Is it just me or did he just say "going to the ground"?

"Wait we're going to the ground?!" I suddenly said.

"Heck yeah! didn't you listen what our great Chancellor just said? " Another random boy answered sarcastically while pointing at a screen.
I looked at the screen he was pointing at and payed attention to Jaha, our Chancellor.

"We have no idea what is waiting for you down there." Wow, well that was reassuring

" If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable" Well now I definetly hate this guy.

"Your dad's a dick Wells" A random boy shouted.

I couldn't say I didn't agree with that boy because apart from wanting to float me for a crime I didn't commit Jaha was going to send 100 teenagers to the ground without even knowing if they will make it past the front door.
But I still felt bad for Wells, it wasn't his fault that his father was the Chancellor ( and also a dick).

I didn't know Wells very much but it seemed strange to see him there, he was a good kid,  but as soon as I looked beside him I understood,  Clarke Griffin,  it wasn't difficult to notice that Wells had a thing for her, he probably just got into trouble so he could be with her.

Kinda stupid move if you ask me. He got into a fucking drop ship for her, they only person I would do that for is my best friend Lara and she's dead.

" And if you do survive then those crimes will be forgiven. Your records wiped clean" Jaha said bringing my attention back to the screen. Yeah right, there is no way in hell that all our crimes just disappear.                                                                           

Im not the kind of person that trusts others, lot less the Chancellor.

I just can't  believe they are doing this to us, but the question that's wondering around my head is:
why send 100 teenagers and not specialized persons that know what they are doing? I know he said that it's because we're expendable, but why risk it? Why now and not wait longer until we know it's safe?   

But honestly if I had to choose between being floated or spending my last moments in this dropship next to agonized kids I wouldn't have to think it twice, I'm a sucker for suicide adventures.

Chancellor Jaha started talking about a place named Mount Weather, where we could get suplies to survive, I honestly didn't give a fuck about that place, because I didn't think we would make it past the doors of the dropship, I'm pessimist ok? I have always been like this sometimes it brings me into a darkness and I start panicking, since my best friends death I have been going into that darkness quite often and I've been having horrible panick attacks that make me want to die, but there was no way I was spending the last moments of my life having a panick attack so I draw my attention to a kid that was flying around.

The spacewalker Finn Collins, a kid who wasted a month of oxigen just to have fun, I didn't know him very well but anyone could tell that he knew how to have fun. He flew next to Clarke and probably started flirting with her, last time I checked
he had a girlfriend called Raven, I knew Raven, not a lot, she was a very cool person and very inteligent, honestly I didn't understand why she dated Finn, ok he is hot but not very smart because he is floating around and we were about to land.
"Hey, you two. Stay put if you want to live " Clarke told two kids that were cutting they're seatbelts to float around like Finn.  I didn't know Clarke very good, I knew that they floated her dad and I also heard that somehow that was Wells's fault. She looked very bossy, I was probably going to like her or hate her, guess we will know if we get the chance to live.
Thanks again Jaha.

The ship started to move a lot, I guess that we were going through the atmosphere, before I have to clarify anything, yes I am intelligent.

Another hard movement and the kids that were flying around went flying a cross the ship and crashed against the walls. There was no way that they were alive.
Red lights started flashing and I guess that wasn't a good sing, people started panicking and tried to stay as calm as possible, so I just hold tightly to my seatbelt and closed my eyes hoping that I would just wake up in my room with my parents and my best friend Lara next to me.
This couldn't be the end I still haven't found out who killed her and either we are in the ground or the space I will find out who fucking killed my best friend.

The movements got worse but suddenly it stopped and everyone went silent, everything went silent.

"Listen, no machine hum" a boy that I think was called Monty said.

He was right, no machine hum, that was weird but somehow reliving.
All of us have been living in constant mechanical noise and suddenly everything was gone, I know it's going to take a while for me to get use to it but it calmed me.

Everyone started to unbuckle their seatbelts, I took mine of and stood up, I stretched a little bit, nearly dying wasn't very good for my neck.

I started looking around and noticed one of the boys that was flying around laying in the floor next to me, I approached him and checked his pulse.
He was dead.
Finn looked at me and shook his head kind of asking me if he was alive, I shook my head looking down.
It doesn't matter how strong or confident I looked,
in the inside I wasn't that strong and I hated seeing a dead boy in front of me, I hated when people got hurt.
"Finn is he breathing?" I heard Clarke ask
Finn shook his head and we all shared a sad look.

I got up trying to shake of all the bad feelings and thoughts that were going on in my mind.

"The other door is on the lower level. Let's go." A boy said.

I stared following the crowd without looking back at the dead bodies, I had to get out of that ship.

I started going down the stairs and locked eyes with a tall boy, he had his dark hair pulled back.
He was hot.
He checked me out running his eyes throw my body, I had caramel long hair, green eyes... he was taller than me,  I probably reached his chin.

"Bellamy?" A girl asked pulling us out of our trance.
They started talking when I suddenly realised who they were, the Blake siblings.

"Where's your wristband?" Clarke asked, there she goes bossing around.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year" the girl named Octavia said, I knew they were the Blake siblings.

"No one has a brother" another random boy said.

People started gossiping about them, I honestly don't  have time for this drama, can we go back to the fact that the human race just landed on earth after 97 years.

The hot boy, I mean Bellamy, turned around and opened the door, soon the dark ship was filled with light.

I pushed myself forward to catch a glimpse of the green trees and tall mountains, there was green everywhere and the air wasn't toxic at all, it seemed pure.
It was better than what I have ever dreamt.
And I wished that Lara could see this.

Octavia stepped closer and stood into the ground, the leaves crushing against her feet.
"We're back bitches!" She shouted
Everyone started shouting and running outside, I slowly stepped closer and jumped to the ground.

It felt different, we weren't inside a metal pice of junk floating around space.

We were in the ground.

And it felt fucking good.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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