The Ark

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The noise, I've lived my whole life in this ship but I still couldn't get used to that noise, it sounded like crashing metal with metal continuously and the engines... well don't get me started with the damn engines, the noise was unbearable.

Even if there wasn't any noise I wasn't going to sleep, let's say that being locked up in a cell didn't help, even worse when you weren't guilty for what got you in there. 

But the last thing that I wanted right now is to think about that, so I pushed those toughts aside and went back to thinking about my parents, what could they be thinking about me, did they actually believe that I killed her... Suddenly footsteps got me out of my thoughts, two tall guards opened the door from my cell.

"Get up" One of them said.  I stood up, ready to put up a fight, that was kinda my thing.

"I'm still 17, you can't float me! " I shouted. One of the guards grabbed my wrists and pushed me to the wall , I pushed my knees and hit him hard in the stomach, while he winced in pain I kicked him again. 

"We need backup here!" the other guard said, I ran towards him and punched him in the nose breaking it, he fell to his knees as I punched him in the stomach. I wasn't leaving without a fight.

I got out of my cell jumping over the guard that I just hit, I looked around all the other cells and I saw lots of guards pulling prisioners out of their cells, what were they planning? They obviously weren't going to float us all at once, plus, I recognized few of the teenagers and none of them were over age.

 I turned around as I saw five guards running towards me, through the corner of my eye I saw the first guard that I attacked  get up and before I could react I felt him put a sharp needle to my neck, I  slowly started to fall asleep and somehow I knew that they weren't going to float me, this was something else, something different and I was going to be the lucky one to find out what was going on.

Hi, this is the first chapter and Im really excited to see how this is going to turn up, I know that it's short but I promise that the next ones will be longer!

hope you like it !

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