Chapter 35

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-= Venus' POV =-

I walk back to the register and I start picking up the broken glass. Draco bends down and helps me, I don't stop him. I'll clean this up, and I'll have a conversation with him. I need, I want, to know why he came back . . . what has changed?
I know he wouldn't come here without a reason, and no matter how mad at him I want to be, I can't, because I forgave him a long time ago, and I'm past the point where I'm angry at him for leaving. I clean the water from the floor too and take everything back to where I found it.
I don't put it away though, I'll do that later, or even tomorrow, right now all I want is to talk to him. I walk back to him and let out a soft sigh. ''Thanks for helping.'' I say and meet his eyes with a weak smile. ''No problem.'' He responds and for a moment we're both quiet, not knowing what to say to each other.
I glance at the floor, take a deep breath, and meet his eyes again. ''Why did you come back?'' I ask and shift uncomfortably on my feet. I take my necklace in between my fingers again, and look away from his eyes. I always do this when I'm nervous and anxious, and he knows it.
''You still wear it? After all this time?'' He says softly and I nod my head.
I couldn't take it off even if I wanted to. It became a part of me, and I need it in situations like this, so I can touch it and fumble with it uncomfortably.

I walk over to one of the seating areas and sit down on the couch. It's silent again for a moment. ''Why did you give up on us?'' He asks and I meet his eyes. Is he serious? Is he actually fucking serious? I scoff a little too loud, but I don't care. How dare he ask me why I gave up on us?! I didn't give up on us, he left me. He gave up on us . . . on me.
Anger rises inside of me, and I can't help but snap back at him.

''Me? You left me! You chose someone else! I'm all glued back together now with people who make me happy, I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke! You have no right to accuse me of giving up on us! You left!''

Tears threaten my eyes, and I can't get myself to look away from his eyes. Does he think he can just barge back into my life and accuse me of giving up?! I don't accept that, fuck no.
''I had no choice!'' He raises his voice too. I've seen him what, five minutes? And we're already arguing again, it's like I can't have a normal conversation with this boy.
I'm exhausted, too tired to argue, and I don't want to argue with him anymore. ''Stop Draco, stop arguing and tell me why you're here.'' I lower my voice. I know it's no use to argue with him, or make him angry, because he came here for a reason and I don't want one of us to storm off out of anger. I look at my hands and start fumbling my skirt with them. Whenever I'm nervous, anxious, or awkward, I need something to fumble with, and most of the time that's my necklace, but not right now. He takes a seat in front of me, but I don't meet his eyes.
''Draco why did you come back? After all this time, why now?'' I say with my voice soft and it's almost a whisper. I want to meet his eyes, I want to hug him and tell him that everything's okay, but I can't because that wouldn't be fair to me. That wouldn't be fair to all the time it took to get where I am right now. All the million tears, all the grief, all the questioning, all the moving on . . . everything . . . it wouldn't be fair.
''Because I can't live without you.'' He responds, his voice just as low as mine. Then why did he leave? I know he had no choice, but why didn't he fight, why didn't he come sooner, why wait two whole fucking years? I look at him, only to see him already looking at me.
''Why now? After two years, why come back now?'' I ask with my voice a little steadier.

''I couldn't come earlier. My father made sure Astoria and I were still married, it was only after my mother divorced my father that she made sure I divorced Astoria too, and when I finally was free, and I wanted to come to you immediately, I still had to figure out where you were, and how I was going to handle this.'' His voice is still low.

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