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“Those three should have been back by now, it's nearly Moonrise.” The deputy muttered her tail lashing as she paced. Having noticed Coalfang a short furred speckled brown tom walked over. “Im sure they're fine Coalfang, you did send Adderbite with them after all.” Spottedwing said confidently his tail curling as he sat down. The dark tortoiseshell she-cat paused in her pacing to look at the warrior. As she began to speak her ears flicked as she heard fast approaching steps from the camps entrance. Coalfang quickly turned only to see a bloody and panting Buzzardmoon. The deputy and the speckled brown warriors eyes widened as the smoky black tom limped over barely able to keep on his paws. “ShadowClan attack. Adderbite followed them to the border.” The few nearby warriors that could hear the smoky black toms words let out angered yowls and hisses. Mudstar stepped through the crowd of warriors that had gathered and stopped beside Coalfang his eyes narrowed as he took in his injured warriors appearance. “You can walk?” When Buzzardmoon nodded the leader flicked his tail. “Then go to Frostthorn's den. Coalfang, Spottedwing with me.” Without another word Mudstar rushed out of camp with the deputy and warrior following closely behind.

The three quickly found Vineflight's lifeless body as well as the dead ShadowClan warrior Archfeather. Spottedwing stood in shock his eyes wide at the bodies and blood stained earth before them. The tom quickly tore his eyes away from the scene as he saw his leader motion with his tail to silently continue forward. Without a sound the three followed Adderbite's and the ShadowClan cats trail till it lead them to the thunderpath. The three quickly froze as they spotted the lifeless form of Crowstar, not far away Adderbite lay nearly motionless. Quickly Coalfang rushed over taking the massive tom by the scruff of his neck she began dragging him farther from the thunderpath. Recovering from shock Spottedwing quickly joined the deputy. “We need to get him back to camp Mudstar!” The deputy exclaimed quickly as she looked over the massive tabbys injuries. Though there were some that greatly worried the dark she-cat the most. It was clear the massive tom had been fighting for some time as he was littered by minor scratches and bites along with a few more severe injuries that caused Mudstar to lower his head in sorrow. The dusky brown leader motioned for them to return to camp. Without a word the three cats quickly made their way back to camp in hopes of getting Adderbite to camp in time.

Upon their return they laid Adderbite near the center of camp. Willowmist along with her two kits quickly rushed over. “Adderbite!” The queen cried out her voice filled with panic and worry. Bramblekit kept a tails length away from the dying tom as his much smaller litter mate Silentkit rushed over to the massive tabby. "F-Frostthorn! Please you have to do something!" The panicked queen yowled at the medicine cat. In response Frostthorn only lowered her head her ears pinned back as there was nothing she could do, his injuries were to severe. Silentkit placed a small paw on the massive toms muzzle her ears pinned back as she watched her fathers eyes open. Adderbite's gaze met hers for only a moment before his body went limp as he let out a final breath. Willowmist let out a choked cry, she shoved Silentkit away harshly with her tail so she could lay with her now deceased mate. “May he rest with Starclan” Frostthorn muttered softly. Limping closer to the gathered cats Buzzardmoon carefully took Silentkit by her scruff and turned back to the medicine den as quietly as he could. Dropping the tabby kit in the nest Buzzardmoon curled his injured body around hers. “your father..” the smoky black tom paused but the mention of Adderbite had Silentkit looking up at him. “He saved my life today, and quite possibly the clan as well...” Saying nothing in response Silentkit curled up closer to the injured tom.

At dawn Frostthorn finally returned to her den, the sight before her caused her to pause. “I thought you disliked Adderbite.. But your comforting one of his kits as though she was your own.” The medicine cat spoke softly as to not disturb the sleeping kit. Buzzarmoon took a glance at the medicine cat momentarily scowling at her. “Regardless of how I felt before..he saved my life yesterday. For how I acted I owe him this at least..” the smoky black tom muttered out. “If he were standing here he would have said you owed him nothing.” Buzzarmoon didn't respond to her, instead he curled up around Silentkit the smoky black tom closing his eyes to get some much needed sleep. Frostthorn sighed her tail flicking, hearing light paw steps behind her she spotted one of the clans apprentices. Ashenpaw, a blind, grey she-cat with lighter and darker grey splotches. The blind apprentice gently set a bundle of herbs at Frosttorn's paws. “I ran across some catmint during training.. I figured you'd need it” The blind apprentices voice was tired and annoyed, Ashenpaw's tail lashed behind her. From what Frostthorn could tell the young apprentice seemed to be in a foul mood. However from what she had heard of Ashenpaw this was rather normal. “I'd thought it would have died from the cold by now, thank you Ashenpaw.” After a moment Ashenpaw turned to walk out only to pause as she heard Frostthorn speak up once again. “Ashenpaw.. I'm curious, if you had a choice what would you do with your life? ” The blind apprentice kept her back turned to Frostthorn, her ears and tail twitching in thought. “At this point. As long as my life has meaning then I don't really care.” Came Ashenpaw's flat reply. Not giving a chance for Frostthorn to speak again she swiftly left the den. Frostthorn quickly became interested in the blind, grey she-cat. With a small hum she gently took the herb in her jaws to care for it properly, through the day Frostthorn had found herself lost in thought as she worked.

Sorry for the long wait, I had gotten a bit lazy.
Please point out any spelling or punctuation mistakes. I'm always open for help and/or suggestions.

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