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Annie smiled as she was walked into the kitchen and froze by the dishes. "What the..." she stopped when she saw Jesse, Joey, and Danny. "I thought we all had an agreement of who does what around here for a week."

"Look, Annie."

Annie saw the turtle and shook her head. "Grandma's coming."

Annie stopped and looked at Stephanie. "Jesse." She said. "Help me with laundry."

"You got it babe." He said.

Annie sighed. "I agreed to give him a shot.' She mumbled.

"We're out of laundry detergent." Jesse said making Annie sigh even more.

"I'll go get dressed."
After they all came back, Annie went straight to cleaning. She walked downstairs with a basket to see Claire. "Claire." She replies as she walked downstairs. She saw Joey and Jesse leaving.

"Annie, honey. I think it's time for them all to clean."


"Annie, my dear. You do to much and speaking of, I need to make a phone call."

Annie nodded and walked back to doing her own cleaning instead. She never knew what was planned. She stopped to see two other women. "Ummm..."

"Annie, meet Irene and Mindy."

"Hi.' She said as she got beside of the boys. "Danny..."

"I thought they would be very interested in how you boys keep a house clean and how you help Annie." Claire tells them. "Oh and Annie, I called someone for you too."

Annie raised her brows and gasped as she saw her mother. "Mom!" Annie replies. "Wh-what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Claire has told me you are overworking yourself." Carmella said. She noticed Jesse putting his arm around her daughter. "I'm telling you now, Jesse. If you want to be with my daughter, you have to learn to help her out more."


"Nico would say the same thing if he came with me." Annie sighed. "Now you sit down and relax."

Annie nodded and looked at the boys. It felt weird for her to sit down. When the boys got their mothers out of the house. Jesse walked over and grabbed her shoulder. "Help."

"Oh thank god." Annie said as she followed the boys.
The four walked upstairs and saw the bathroom. "Oh my god." She said as she looked at the three. "Seriously!"

"Yeah, we left it like that."

"Is my room the only cleanest of this house." She said.

They looked at her and smiled as they went to Stephanie and Dj's room to see them looking for something. "What happened?"

Annie walked over to them. "What are you looking for?" She asked.

When she heard them mumbling, Annie knew it wasn't good. Stephanie looked at Annie. "Bubba."

"You lost Bubba!" Jesse said making Annie place her hands on his chest.

"He loves that amphibian."

"We're sorry, we turned our backs for one minute and he was gone."

"It's okay, girls. I'm sure Bubba is somewhere in the house." Danny tells the .

"Alright, guys, we're going to turn this house upside-down until we find that turtle.' Jesse tells them. "Ready! Let's go!"

"Bubba!" They all called out.
Annie stood by Jesse as he was upset over Bubba. She smiled as Danny was showed what his mom said. "We'll be there for you if you need us." Danny tells them.

"You two know I will be there." Annie said as she looked at them. "I always keep my promise." The kids hugged Jesse and Joey. "Aunt Annie?"

"Come here." She said as the kids hugged her.

Annie saw their mothers and smiled. "Actually, ladies. We would like another shot.' Danny tells them. "Why don't you take them to the zoo?"

"Annie, come on." Carmella tells her.

Annie looked at Jesse, Joey, and Danny. "I'm going to stay and make sure they clean this house." She tells her mother. "And I won't touch anything."
Annie laughed as she listened to the boys sing. Annie shook her head at them. She smiled as she saw her mom. "Had fun?" She asked.

"Yes, but you didn't..."

"No. She just sat back and laughed at us." Jesse said as he hugged her.

Carmella smiled as they looked around. Till she saw someone walk in. "When..."

"You took a nap." Jesse tells her.

"Well I was worried about the girls, but I can tell they have a lot of love." Claire said. "Annie, my dear, with you here, I know those girls will be raised good."

"Keep Jesse in line." Irene said.

Annie looked at Jesse who hugged her. She sighed and shook her head. So far you proved me wrong.

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