Gajeel finished seventh with one point while Sting finished last with no points.

She nearly cried hearing Natsu's mini-speech, he was right...we are doing this for those who were left behind. They will earn their title back. "Way to go Natsu!" She yelled for her comrades.

Sting had a darkened frown, not sparing another glance. "Comrades? that's stupid. I'll let you fairies have this one. But Sabertooth will keep racking up points and we will win" he said before walking off of the field.

Tora released a growl again, 'I can't believe I have to go on a date with that bastard'. 

"Next we event we have Bacchus from Quarto Cerberus vs Tora Dreyer from Fairy Tail Team A!" The announcer said, surprising her slightly. Ah, she forgot that Gramps mentioned that she was playing today.

"Good luck," Lucy and Levy said, giving her encouraging smiles. "You better beat him!" Natsu exclaimed as he joined them. She nodded and walked down to the field, stepping out to meet her competitor. 

She took a quick glance at Sting, who only winked at her. 'Wow, his moods change fast'.  She rolled her eyes then looked at Bacchus as they stopped in the middle of the field. 

"Well, what a beauty to fight. I hate to mess up that pretty face... How about we make a deal since everyone else seems to be eh?" he said.

She raised an eyebrow, "Alright what is it you want?" 

Maybe she shouldn't have accepted from the flirtatious expression he wore. He smirked as he began speaking, "How about if I win....I get to sleep with the Strauss sisters tonight at the same time. And if you win...then you can choose whatever you want?" he said.

Tora was taken back from the sudden request. Definitely not what she was thinking. She growled and was going to decline. "Hell n-" Before she could, Mirajane called out to her. Tora turned her head to see her softly smiling, nodding her head in approval. Silently telling her to accept...that's right, why was she doubting herself? She was an S-class mage from Fairy Tail. 

'I won't lose to him' 

"Alright deal...but if I win then your team's name will be changed to Quarto Puppy for the rest of the games," She said, softly grinning.

"Deal" Bacchus agreed.

They got into fighting positions, getting ready, then the bell rung. She quickly reequipped into her jade dragon armor and charged towards him. He raised a hand, a small faint glow emitting from the middle of his hand before a beam shot at her. With a gasp, she quickly dodged, but the beam hit one of her jaded wings. Throwing her off balance.

"Damn" she cursed quietly then required into her fighting armor. Which was basically just shoulder plates and gauntlets. Not much but it increased her speed and accuracy. "That's a unique magic, palm magic," She spoke, a small sigh escaping her lips. This was going to be a little difficult.

"Yup," Bacchus replied,  shooting another beam towards her. But she dodged the attack and charged once more, due to her increased speed. She reached him before he could shoot another attack, landing a punch into his jaw. He stumbled back, grabbing his jaw.

"WOW you got a strong arm," he said as he swung his palms toward her. She didn't have time to dodge this time as his attack hit her, sending her flying back. Her body stopped once it crashed into a wall of the arena.

"Ow, that hurt" she mumbled to herself. Slowly standing back up. Her armor disappearing as her normal clothes replaced it.

"Let's go, Tora!" She heard Natsu yell. "Don't let this drunk beat you!" Laxus shouted next..honestly, he was not the type to be so vocal. She smiled at the newfound encouragement then looked over at Sting.

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