They must be new. Bethany thought. Getting back up when the coast was clear she got back to the finishing touches.

Looking around she scanned the room. The sun was already filtering through the mesh curtains on the windows placed on each side. Those curtains hung high up to the ceiling, they served no real purpose other than to adorn the vast room. Then the news came, just as she put on the last of the pillow cases, "The princess is here!"

For a second it did cross her mind. No. Not possible, well at least she hoped she didn't do that. Throw a dead mouse at the princess and her mother below. No. She couldn't have. They could have been anywhere in the castle grounds.

She thought it was the end to her day. But in fact, it was not. Her next order was helping prep the room for Lady Ascott, the princess mother.

Groaning inwardly she pushed on. Thankfully she wouldn't be alone for that, she had more servants to work with.

POV: Prince

At the dinner table, Prince Ronald scanned the table, his father at the head of the table, mom to the right, Ronald sat at his fathers left. His uncle and Aunt Duchess Theodora came to visit. But that wasn't who he was interested about.

He was curious who the blonde girl was, with ringlet curls cupping her rosy pink cheeks.

That's what he wanted to know. Who was she? She was new around here.

His father was speaking to his uncle then turned to Ronald.

It would seem his answer would be given. "Now Ronald as you and I have discussed this matter before, I know you would be knowledgeable in the matter that you have been chosen as a wife, I thought it appropriate for you both to meet earlier on. Get to know each other." He motioned to the girl the prince wondered about just a moment ago. "I present to you Princess Kathrine of Iris."

He didn't answer. He just stared at her.

Shy as she was, she cast her head down and didn't look him in the eye. She would be his wife? Ronald was all of a sudden not interested. He got up and asked to be excused.

He ran with all the speed he could muster. The prince knew what he did back there, escaping while they had guests, was preposterous but he didnt care. That was it! That was the last straw, he was barely old enough and they had chosen a wife? What next, when he used the lavatory or went to sleep?

Feeling the crushing weight suffocating him, he could no longer bear it. How much more can his life be controlled? Even when he wanted freedom and ran off to the stables to ride his horse he was punished for that!

He passed a butler on his way to the library, concerned the butler took a jog next to him. Ronald recognized him right away, the master butler. He was the butler that was like a father to him since birth. "Your majesty is everything all right?" Master Butler Henry said in a breathless manner.

The prince halted. An idea struck him.

"May you take me to the servants quarters?"

"I beg your pardon?" The man was astounded, his mouth gaping at such preposterousness. A prince in the servants quarters?

"Take me to a girl named Bethany." He smiled, taking a deep breath his heart rate was once more restored. "I have to thank her for something."

"As you wish, my prince!" He didn't question him further, walking briskly, the prince ran to keep up with him. They entered a staircase he never seen before and his pulse kicked up a notch, why has he never done this before? He could escape without even going anywhere.

He knew the servants would keep his secret.

The butlers and footmen along with the chariot riders all referred back to the king everything the prince did. But the servants?

He smiled at his own genius.

He wanted nothing to do with that princess! He didn't want nothing to do with anyone. He just wanted to feel as free as he did with Bethany, who didn't judge him if he was being improper for a prince. Or did something that would affect the kingdom later on in life. Nothing, he was free.

"May I have a word with Bethany?" Henry asked, while the prince stayed out in the corridor, Henry said it would be less of a shock to the ladies. He agreed.

"She's in the ladies chambers, helping prep the bedroom for Lady of Ascott." He recognized that name, it was the princess mother. Great. She would have to serve her?

"Please have her called down, her presence is expected by the prince." The butler said with all seriousness. The prince listened to the conversation between the two of them.

"The prince?" Whoever the servant was, the shock was clear to be heard.

"Yes, m'lady, the prince." He was speaking to the Housekeeper. Main one of the castle.

"That is such a surprise, what use is that servant girl to him?" She said with a condescending voice. Grating on the prince's nerves. This is how they treated Bethany? Not even the servants saw her of any importance. He would gladly show them a little something of importance.

"That is none of your matter, all that is of matter to you is to do as the prince asked." Yes, thank you Henry, prince Ronald thought.

In a matter of minutes the servant walked off to go fetch her, she didn't recognize him standing there. Good, he thought.

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