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No i'm not gay. No I don't hate gay people. I accept them and I think it's stupid if others don't. Gay people have made my life so much better. If it weren't for Alan Turing, I wouldn't be writing this right now but there are qualities that certain gay people exhibit that really rub me the wrong way. It makes me feel uncomfortable in a situation with a gay person when they act like this.

I dont like it when a person screams that they're gay. It's awkward and uncomfortable. If a gay person comes up to me and starts off the conversation with "I'm gay" I'm just gonna walk away because that makes me feel super weird. What do I say? "Oh that's cool." No. That's just dumb and it's super weird.

I also don't like it when they make being gay their personality. Being gay is a sexuality. Not a personality trait. I hate it when a gay person goes out in public looking like a clown with how they dress. I understand that it's your choice to go out looking like that but I also have the choice to not associate someone who makes there sexuality their personality.

Notice I never said all gay people act like this. I've only ever met 1 person that really acts like this and they make me extremely uncomfortable when i'm around them or see them post on social media. So before you go screaming homophobia, I could care less if you're gay. The only people getting upset at this "chapter" are the people that act like this.

This is by far my most controversial rant so far. I dont know about the rest of this "book" if you want to call it. Do not try messaging me if you want to argue my point because I really don't care.

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