Start from the beginning

"It's not very skilled, but it's cursedly strong," Roger's blade clacked against the Guardian's armor but left no mark. This went on for several minutes until Roger retreated from the bridge. The Guardian resumed a waiting stance while Roger stood at the end of the bridge, panting. "It's no use. Even when I score a hit, it does him no harm."

"And here I thought you were some super ninja sword fighter."

"I was on the Cambridge fencing team for a time, but I was hardly their best. Rowing was more my thing."

"If we had a boat, that skill might actually be useful about now."

"Well we don't, and I see no way of defeating this blighter." Roger began pacing back and forth. He made three circuits, back and forth across the entrance of the bridge, then stopped. He paced it one more time, more slowly. "But we don't have to actually defeat the guardian, just get past it." He turned to Sydney. "How fast can you run?"

"Pretty fast when the need arises. Why?"

"I'll fight the beast again and drive it to one side. You run past while I shield you from its sword."

"That might work, but then how do you join me?"

He saluted her with his sword. "With finesse and style, I assure you."

"That's what I love about you, Roger. Your modesty. OK, let's do this."

He raised the spider leg and again advanced on the Guardian. As before, it attacked as soon as he drew near. They fought, and Roger gradually angled himself to the right, driving his opponent to the left. "After my next attack, while its sword is blocked. Do it then." He parried a clumsy lunge from the beast, responded with sixte riposte, then put all his strength into a counterattack that pinned its sword against the bridge railing. "Now!" he yelled, but Sydney was already running past.

The Guardian broke free and shoved Roger back with brute force. Roger backpedaled, stumbled, and barely blocked a deadly swing from the monster. Roger regained his footing, and they continued their dance of attack and counterattack. He maneuvered the guardian to the right then followed a septime riposte with a counterattack that forced the creature's sword high. Roger then dove under it, spinning and resuming an en-garde stance, now standing behind the Guardian. He gave it a rap on the back of the head with his sword for good measure.

The Guardian turned and resumed fighting.

"I say old chap, it's been a rousing match, but I must take my leave." Roger took several steps backward, then turned and walked the remaining distance to join Sydney at the end of the bridge. He turned to give a final salute to his opponent.

The Guardian was charging full tilt toward them. Roger barely managed to block its initial attack.

"I thought... he'd stay... at his post," Roger grunted in between swings of his sword.

"Evidently not," Sydney called from behind him, "at least not when intruders are storming the castle."

"Well, I can't keep this up all night. The blaggard doesn't get tired."

"I recommend the tried and true strategy of running away."

"I concur." He threw his strength into one final counterattack, then turned and ran while his opponent was on the back foot.

They fled, Roger only a few paces behind Sydney. He spared a glance behind and confirmed that the Guardian was pursuing.

"Those rocks ahead of us," Sydney yelled, "that must be the start of the rock maze." She ran toward it.

The grassy field gave way to hard packed earth strewn with boulders. The farther they ran, the larger the boulders became until most towered over them.

"Do you think we can lose it among the rocks?" Roger yelled.

"More likely we'll lose ourselves." Sydney stopped and leaned against a stone pillar, breathing heavily. "I'm dying. Too much time in front of a screen and not enough on the Stairmaster."

"It's still coming," Roger warned. The Guardian was presently obscured behind a line of boulders, but he could hear it approaching, as implacable as a runaway locomotive.

"There, that tall boulder, the one with the flat top." She ran to it and began climbing. It offered few hand holds, but with a boost from Roger, she reached the top.

"Stand clear," Roger yelled, then threw the spider sword up. He began climbing but slipped back down.

The Guardian rounded a boulder and headed straight for Roger. Roger began climbing again, slipped, then continued climbing. His feet were barely out of reach of the Guardian's grasp by the time it reached the boulder.

"Watch out!" Sydney yelled.

Roger looked down just in time to avoid a sword slash to his leg. He grabbed the top edge of the boulder and heaved himself up. Sydney helped pull him the final few feet.

They lay on the surface of the boulder, gasping for breath.

"We seem to do a lot of this," Sydney observed once she caught her breath.

"Almost dying?"

"That too. I meant lying around being exhausted."

Roger sat up. "You are sure that beast can't climb up?"

Sydney eased over to the edge and peeked down. The Guardian was scrabbling around uselessly at the side of the rock but making no progress upward. "I don't think it's built for it."

They sat watching the dimming sky. An evening chill crept into the air. The only sound was the clacking of the Guardian's feeble climbing attempts.

"We've been cornered like the proverbial fox," Roger observed. "You have a brilliant escape plan I trust?"

Sydney laid down on her side and rested her head on her arm. "Ask me again in the morning. I'm too thrashed to think right now."

"In the morning then." He laid down next to her, his back against hers, his thoughts racing through the events of the day. "My life has become something beyond my imagination. I would be lost in it if not for you."

But she was already asleep.

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