She did this to me, she made me a better person. She made me a better son, a better man, a better student, a better human, a better everything.
She showed me out of the darkness that was my life, she showed me the light at the end of the tunnel, and she made me want to be a better person, for her.
Every sunset and sunrise we've watched, every stargazing trip we've made, every party we went to, every time we touched, every stupid joke she made, every little thing she did, it all mattered to me.

I love the way her nose scrunches when she's deep in her thoughts, I love the way she's excited when something happens in a book she's reading, I love that she loves the little things, I love how she's so concentrated when she's painting, I love how one minute she can be joking around and the other she can have a serious conversation with me, I love how open she is with me, or how closed of she can be, I love the way her eyes light up when she receives exciting information . . . I love her. I love every part of her, and I'm madly, head over heels, in love with her, and all I can do is hope that she feels the same.

-= One Week Later =-
          July 23th

My mother revealed shocking information to me today. She told me that she knows where Venus is, she told me that she's secretly been keeping tabs on her, and in the first place, I got angry.
I cursed at my mother and punched the wall with my fist. When it started bleeding I went upstairs to the bathroom and punched the sink. But then I calmed myself down and realized that she hid it from me because she was trying to protect me.
I don't know in what fucked up way she thought that keeping that information from me was protecting me, but I can't get mad at her for it.
I went back downstairs when I cleaned my fist and calmed myself down, and I apologized to her.
She took it and apologized to me too.

Now, what am I going to do? All I want is to run back to her straight away, but now that the moment is actually this close, I'm overthinking everything.
What if she doesn't want to see me anymore? What if she forgot all about me? What if she moved on and will yell at me for coming back?
All my fears lay in front of me like an open book, but do my fears really outweigh her? Outweigh us?
Of course it doesn't. This is going to be one of those moments in life, where it's literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have to go as soon as possible, because even is she rejects me, even if I couldn't live with that pain, I have to do it, because I have to know, and if I decide to not do it - which I won't - it'll all go down the drain and nothing will matter anymore, and I will forever be in the dark.

Now how am I going to do this? Am I packing? No why would I pack? Maybe she doesn't even want to see me, and if she does, why would I pack?
It's stupid, so I'm not taking my stuff. All I'm going to do is get to her, knock on her door, and pray that she wants to see me and talk.
If I need clothes because for some reason I'm not home for the night, I'll Accio them or something.
I look at all the letters in the box on my closet, and for a moment I hesitate to take them. Should I? Should I let her read them? Or should I never tell her about their existents?
I honestly don't know, but I decide to take them and put them in my jacket. Maybe they'll come up, maybe they won't, but I'll feel better to just have the opportunity to show them to her.

-= July 28th =-

Today is the day. Yesterday I decided that I couldn't push this day any further, because what am I waiting for? Nothing besides my own courage.
I leave the Malfoy Manor really early. It's 9am and it'll be a two hour trip with the car. I'll just hitchhike a ride and I'll be with her again soon.
I say my mother goodbye and she gives me one last speech on how I should do what I want, but how I shouldn't push her if she doesn't want to see me anymore. No matter how much I hate that, I know she's right and I can't push her into anything she really doesn't want.

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