-Chapter 8-

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The next few hours went by relatively smoothly, with only a few moments of awkward, flustered silence. (Y/N) and Hypnos both seemed to like making the other flustered and it usually ended the conversation with an awkward moment of blushing.

By now, the two had made their way back to the apartment with grocery bags after paying bills and doing shopping. (Y/N) was explaining something from their childhood while Hypnos listened with a blissful smile, his face dusted a light pink color.

Now that he had gotten to know them better, (Y/N) felt like the thing he had always been missing in his life back at the House. They were so, so perfect in every way and he started to question whether he was genuinely in love or so void of affection and adoration. It made him feel.. Strange, so he decided to ignore it until he had more concrete evidence for his little puppy crush.

"Anyway, we're back. Lets put this stuff away and then we can go buy you a few sets of clothes," (Y/N) said as they walked into the apartment and lead Hypnos inside. He nodded as he listened to them, not really taking in their words and just listening to their voice.

(Y/N) started putting away the groceries they had bought while Hypnos did his best to help without doing something wrong. He watched them with that same lovestruck expression, his mind wandering back so when they were cuddling the night before. It made him feel warm and fuzzy and flustered again and a soft, dorky smile came to his face.

"What's with the look? Thinking about something?" (Y/N) asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Uh.. Yeah," he responded simply, trying to calm his feelings. "What's up?" they asked, leaning against the counter and looking towards him. "What do you mean?" the deity asked as if trying to avoid the subject.

(Y/N) cocked an eyebrow, tilting their head slightly. "What are you thinking about?" they asked as they crossed their arms. Hypnos shrugged, glancing away while fidgeting and trying desperately to think of a lie. "Nothing really, just uh.. Stuff, you know?" he responded, feeling a bit embarrassed by his answer.

"You know being vague doesn't work on me, right? I'm gonna keep asking cause I wanna help if I can," (Y/N) said while moving a bit closer to Hypnos. "I.. I don't wanna say cause it's sort of embarrassing," he said quickly while backing up a bit, trapping himself in the corner of the kitchen. "Come on, Hypnos, we've already agreed to not hide stuff from each other," (Y/N) cooed while moving a bit closer, making sure he wouldn't try to bolt away or something.

"N-No, it's too soon! We've only known each other a day! We can't make promises!" he managed to say as he started to panic, feeling his chest tighten slightly. "I don't wanna tell you stuff because it'll be embarrassing!"

(Y/N) stared at him, slightly shocked. "Right, we still don't fully trust each other.." they muttered, trying to think of a solution for this problem. "Hypnos, you can't keep bottling up all of the things you're feeling. You need to vent somehow. It isn't healthy to just keep all of this inside," they explained while reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"I understand you're going through something awful right now, so of course you're going to be upset and afraid. But please, you can tell me things," they continued, gently squeezing his shoulder and causing him to flinch slightly.

"Remember last time I told you something and you got all freaked out?" Hypnos asked with a hint of venom in his voice. (Y/N) pulled their hand away, narrowing their eyes. "I understand I could have handled it better but you can't expect me to know when someone's a deity or a human," they retorted, watching him scrunch his nose in annoyance.

They sighed, half glaring at the godling in annoyance. "We're getting nowhere with all of this pointless fighting. Ten minutes ago we were happy and laughing and doing fun things. What came to your mind that made it change so suddenly?" they asked, studying him and waiting for a response.

"I don't have to tell you. You'll just have to gain my trust," he sneered a smirk coming to his face when (Y/N) held an annoyed and challenging expression. He rather enjoyed this, teasing and taunting them with their own words. "Not so fun now, is it?" he teased, gasping as he was shoved against the wall roughly.

"If you don't tell me then I guess I'll just have to pry it out of you, won't I?" (Y/N) asked with a vaguely threatening tone, watching the deity squirm and try to escape their grasp. "That's not fair! I couldn't do this to you so why can you do it to me?" he asked with a sort of whiny tone. "Because I'm not a coward," they responded simply, glaring at him.

"Now, are you going to tell me?" they asked, not bothering to listen to his pleading. "Fine! I'll tell you if you let me go first!" he huffed, sighing in relief when they actually complied. There was a few moments of painful silence and (Y/N) glared at the deity furiously. "Well, are you going to tell me?" they asked, tapping their foot impatiently.

Hypnos just stared at them, feeling his blush come back at full force. "Fine, just don't say I didn't warn you," he growled as he grabbed their shirt and pulled them into a rough, hasty kiss. (Y/N) felt absolutely shocked by his actions but almost instantly melted into the kiss, even moving their hands to his hips and pulling him a bit closer.

Once the two realized what they were doing they instantly pulled away, staring at each other in surprise. "Why would you do that?!" (Y/N) asked in shock, blushing madly and feeling absolutely embarrassed and flustered from what just happened. "I didn't know how to say it without doing it!" Hypnos responded, his voice cracking while he fell against the wall, feeling dizzy. He narrowed his eyes as a realization came to mind.

"Why did you kiss back?" he asked, standing up again. (Y/N) felt their stomach drop and they smiled nervously. "I.. Uh.. Let's just forget about this whole thing until we can think straight.."

-{SLEEP INCARNATE}- Hypnos x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now