Start from the beginning

At least she finished her dumplings, right? Tryna find the positive here. Cause I think I might go bankrupt from how much Sprite I'm buying.

Oh - I need to make an appointment to the dentist for Y/N and me. Our six-monthly checkup. Hopefully, Dr. Sanders still remembers us. Better pray, I guess. Cause that paperwork took FOREVER to deal with last time. 



Welp, i forgot about this again, for like, five years? I really need to start writing in this more. Like - it's just been sitting on this bookshelf. Let me just promise something to myself - I, Tori Yamada, promise to write inside this journal / diary every single day, whether the entry is big or small. There we go :)

Now, Y/N's ten. Chrollo still hasn't come back yet even though he promised me that he would. :(

Y'know, I'm starting to see why Mother claims that I'm childish. Although she did die three years ago. Rest in peace, Mother. 

Y/N's grown up so beautiful, it hurts. She still has that addiction to Sprite, haha. Quite nostalgic, Sprite is now. Lowkey glad that she found out about it, since we now have so many memories. Picnics in the park, hikes in the mountains, chilling on a beach. All of those moments involved Sprite, whether we were chugging them down or spraying them all over each other. 

I remember, Y/N's birthday was Sprite-themed, once. Waste of money? Kinda. But did we drink it all? Yes. With the help of all the staff and tenants of the skyscraper? Yes. Do I have a problem with that? No. Hotel? Trivago. <3


FOUR 1/2 ENTRY - 3/2/20XX

Sorry I left, haha. Y/N started begging me to play ring around a rosie, but if you lost, you'd have to do something for the winner. I lost ( omg how did Y/N beat me?? ) totally not on purpose. But can you blame me? My curiosity as to why she had proposed that game had been circling my mind the entire time. But in the end, all she wanted me to do was make a flower crown out of beautiful origami flowers. It was quite pretty. 

Honestly, that's probably all I'm going to write for today. 



Haha, look who's keeping her promise and writing every day inside the diary! Me, suckers! 

( Jeez, Mother was so right when she said that I'm childish. I can't unsay that phrase inside my mind now )

Anyways, guess who got a mYsTeRiOuS letter in the mail today! For real, though, who sends letters anymore ??

Not the point. I opened it, obviously. It was quite thin, so I had assumed that nothing dangerous was inside. But guess what was inside?

It was a letter to a TEA PARTY. A. Tea. Party. Lowkey excited, but what am I supposed to wear?? Hmm??

Honestly, I don't know why I ask questions. It's not like you can answer them. But eh. I'm still going to do it.

Nothing else really exciting happened today after that. I picked up Y/N from school early today, though, because apparently she has dark humour - which isn't bad - and told a dark humour joke to some adopted child. She told me what it was. The way I tried so hard not to start cackling. 

That's honestly all for today. Byeeeeeeeeeeee

( Gotta extend that e, y'know ? )


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