The last chapter

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"Guys..." Evie said.

Bakugo was still yelling at Kiri, not paying any attention to her.

"GUYS!" She shouted. Everyone turned to face her. "I know whose handwriting this is!" Everyone stared at her.

"Tell us then!" Bakugo said, moving towards her.

"I recognise the writing style- it's definitely Hagekure's!"

"That invisible BRAT." Bakugo muttered. Kaci looked as if she wanted to say something. She stared at the floor.

"Well? Can you remember who you met? Was it Hagekure?" Kirishima asked, impatently, desperate to find out who the culprit was.

"The person who I saw behind the school was definitely not Hagekure," Kaci explained, "Whatever they did to me, must have effected my memory somehow. I don't remember much of who I saw, but I know for sure it wasn't Hagekure." Everyone looked at her confused.

"But the writing... that is definitely hers-"

"Yes, I agree with you. The second time I lost control, I was left alone with Hagekure and I started zoning out. I'm not exactly sure what she did to me, but she HAS to be connected to it." Kaci said.

"Isn't it obvious? It's clear that she's teamed up or something with someone who can take control over a person's body." Bakugo huffed, crossing his arms.

"Was it Shinzou?" Kirishima questioned, looking Kaci in the eyes.

"No. They didn't have to make me answer any questions. Honestly, all I remember is seeing some guy and then everything going black and fuzzy. I didn't recognise his face though." Evie was still hurt about how a possible culprit was one of her best friends. Hagekure was there for her when she had a fall-out with Bakugo; she never failed to cheer her up.

In fact, Hagekure and Evie were close at the start of the year at UA. Her, Evie and Kaci were all quite close actually, but they soon became quite distant. Evie seemed to have less and less time for her, but it wasn't exactly her fault. She didn't forget about Hagekure, she just spent more time with Kaci and Hagekure was extremely jealous.

"Hey? Dumbass, are you ok?" Bakugo asked, flicking Evie in the forehead.

"Ow! I was just day-dreaming." Evie replied, suddenly snapping out of her thoughts.

"Sorry..." Bakugo said, looking a little guilty.

"No, it's fine." Evie smiled as she ruffled his blonde hair. His cheeks flushed bright red and he looked away. Secretly, he liked it, but of course he won't show it.

"We should tell Aizawa." Kirishima said quitely.

"Aight. Lets go then." Bakugo said, still pink in the cheeks. Evie remained quiet. They told Aizawa everything, and he thanked them for the information. Evie decided to confront Hagekure, since she couldn't stand thinking that her friend was a villain.

"Guys, I'm gonna go the the bathroom quickly. I'll be back." she said in a monotone voice, before heading off the find the invisible girl.

Evie saw her talking to Tsuyu, over by the snack bar.

"Hey, Hagekure, can I talk to you privately please?"

"Sure! Sorry Tsu, I'll be back in a sec!"

"Ribbit, okay!"

Evie led Hagekure somewhere private. She took a deep breath and asked her, "Hagekure, why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"We are convinced that it was you who did that weird stuff to Kaci."

"Why do you think it was me?? Why would I do that? Yeah, I'll admit I was a little jealous... but I could never do that!"

"First of all, the note that Kaci recieved had YOUR handwriting. Second of all, you were left alone with Kaci and coincidentally, after that, Kaci turned mental."

"Well, my text book was missing, so they probably mimicked my handwriting? Please trust me."

"Bye Hagekure." Evie walked away.

"No! Please... wait-" Tears formed in Hagekure's eyes.

2 days later~

"Lets go on that one!" Bakugo agressively said, grabbing Evie's hand. She looked up at the terrifying rollercoaster.

"Noooooo it's too high!" Evie groaned, getting pulled along by Bakugo.

"If your nervous, you can always hold my hand, babe," Bakugo teased. Evie blushed. Bakugo forced Kaci and Kirishima to go on the ride too, since he was mostly excited to see the look on their faces when they realise that the ride goes backwards.

"I still can't believe that you idiots convinced me to go here, but as payback I get to laugh at your pathetic screaming!" He said, brutally. Everyone exept Bakugo screamed their head off. Kiri tried so hard not to shriek, but the ride thrusted him backwards.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Kirishima shouted, falling back in his seat.

"BAHAHAHAHAHHA!" Kaci laughed loudly. Bakugo was grinning in his seat in front of them, not scared whatsoever. Evie was gripping Bakugo's hand so hard that it turned red, but he didn't say anything. Behind them, Kirishima had his arm around Kaci's shoulder, as Kaci screwed her eyes shut. Soon, the ride slowed down and eventually came to a hault. Everyone was shaken up, apart from Bakugo, who didn't look fazed whatsoever.

After they had calmed down, the two girls really wanted to get some cotton candy, but the only person who had money on them was Bakugo. After lots of begging and pleading from Evie, he finally gave in. Acting like little kids, Evie and Kaci squealed in excitement.

After a fun day at the amusement park, they had to go back to their dorms. They were moving on with their lives and enjoying every second of it, whilst someone, who was once Evie's friend, was in despair.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE! I DIDN'T DO IT, IT WAS A SETUP! THEY FRAMED ME, PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Hagakure screamed at the top of her lungs, her wrists turning red (despite being invisible) with how tight the handcuffs were. Her throat was beginning to hurt, but she continued to scream and yell. Despite this, she was still agressively pushed into the police car. Sobbing in the backseat, she was being taken to her life sentence in jail.

Inside an abandoned bar, at an unknown location~

"That was sooooo funny! The weird guy who did all that wacky mind manipulation stuff didn't get caught either!" a blonde girl chuckled, "But that was also REALLY tiring. Like seriously, it took SO LONG." She rested her head on the counter.

"Well what do you expect," A scratchy voice replied, "It was obvious that framing that invisible brat would take time. It's her punishment for refusing to be the traitor anyway."

That is the end of the story!

Thank you SO much for making it this far! I just wanted to let you know that, even though it is the end of the story, I will still be adding happy scenes that happen after the story takes place. However, they aren't important to the story, they are just there for the people who wish to read them. <3

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