Sweet revenge.

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"Seriously?! I have to do that?" Evie whined, after hearing Hagakure's plan.

"Hey! Don't moan about it. Honestly, I would do anything to do that myself! He's just so cute!" Evie laughed.

"It's not that, I definitely wouldn't mind doing it. The only thing is, what if Todoroki doesn't like it or pushes me away?" Evie asked, suddenly picturing all the possible things that could go wrong.

"Calm downnn! Just kiss Todoroki like I said, but MAKE SURE that you know Bakugo is watching. Everything will be fine and Bakugo will get a taste of his own medicine!"

"You know what? Fine. I'll do it."

After school~

"Are you ready? Everything is perfect. Bakugo is over there and Todoroki is in the distance. NOW GO OVER THERE!" Hagakure exclaimed, trying to give Evie confidence. She pushed Evie forward. With her heart beating fast, she walked over to Todoroki. Hagakure was invisible so it was easy for her to spy. Bakugo noticed Evie walking to Todoroki and watched her in the corner of his eye. Every time he saw her, he felt a pain in his chest. He felt as if he had done something wrong, when he hadn't and it was just a misunderstanding. Ever since the incident, Bakugo had distanced himself from everyone, including Kirishima, and hardly ever talked.

"Oh hello Evie." Todoroki stated in a monotone voice, putting down his phone.

"I'm sorry," Evie whispered, before pulling Todoroki closer to her. She pressed her lips against his and to her surprise, he didn't push her to the side. He was extremely shocked and his eyes were wide but he didn't dare pull away.

It would be almost impossible to describe the feeling that washed over Bakugo. Everything felt like a blur, and he was convinced that everything around him was spinning. He simply hung his head and walked in a different direction, hiding the fact that tears were running down his cheeks. He blamed himself for everything that happened... how could he let that bratty girl get near him in the first place? He walked off into the distance.

Evie pulled away from Todoroki. He looked quite red.

"I... um what was that for?" Todoroki asked, nervously.

"I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have!" Evie ran back to Hagakure, leaving Todoroki speechless.

"YESSSS GIRLLLLL!" She squealed. She seemed really excited about it, but Evie felt really nervous.

4 days later~

Aizawa and All Might visited every single member of 1A's homes to talk about possible dorm arrangements. Turned out that the dorm move had been sooner than expected. Before they knew it, they were already in their dorms with everything all packed.

Hagekure ran to Evie's dorm, as quick as she could.

"You and Bakugo are ROOMMATES!" She yelped, as if she was in pain.

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME." Evie answered, before they got interrupted by a knock at the door. Evie gestured at Hagekure open it, since she was the closest. She opened it, and IMMEDIATELY slammed the door again.

"Who was it?" Evie asked.

"You don't wanna know." She replied, sighing.

"HEY! DAMN INVISIBLE BRAT LET ME IN!" He was pounding on the door. Hagekure locked and sealed the door and ignored him fully.

"You know what. How about we see what he has to say." Evie stated, walking over to the door.

"Are you sure abou-" Hagekure began, but then Evie opened the door. Bakugo's angry expression suddenly changed, when he saw that it was Evie standing there. He looked down at the floor. He was carrying two bags in his hands.

"C-can I come in?" Bakugo stuttered.

"Whatever." Evie left the door open and Bakugo walked inside.

"Should I leave?" Hagekure asked, awkwardly.

"Yes, get the fuck out." Bakugo replied.

"Ignorant as ever." Evie said. Hagekure walked out the door and closed it again behind her. Evie stared at him with a fixed expression.

"Look. I'm not gonna wait any longer and I don't want any weird answers either. Why... did you do it?" He actually made eye contact, and she could tell he was being dead serious.

"What do you mean why did I do it?? Are we just going to pretend that what I saw that day didn't mean anything??" Evie rambled, tears springing in her eyes as she recalled that scene.

"But, that's just it." Bakugo started crying. Evie knew that Bakugo NEVER cries, so he must be truly heart broken. "She came over to me and asked for my number so I told her to fuck off. That was when she kissed me. I would never kiss her, it was completely by force, please believe me." Evie froze. She didn't know what to think. Was he telling the truth?

Bakugo continued, "You were the only exception, you know. I told myself that I wouldn't let anyone distract me from hero work, but you were different. You know what? You dont even have to forgive me. I'm just glad you decided to hear me out so you know how I actually feel. I... love you okay, idiot?!" He suddenly turned bright red as if he couldn't believe what he just said. Evie was speechless, she didn't quite know what to say. She got butterflies in her stomach. Bakugo was stood in front of her in silence, looking like a nervous wreck. Evie cracked a smile, and Bakugo's eyes widened. She ran into Bakugo's arms, her eyes full of tears.

"I AM SO SORRY! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT... WHY DIDNT I LISTEN TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" She sobbed into his chest, as he held her tight. He dried her tears using his sleeve.

"It wasn't your fault dammit...please don't cry. I should have just walked away from that bitch in the first place."

Evie shook her head. She was about to talk before Bakugo shushed her.

"This lovey crap is embarrassing, but I'll do it for you. Can we just go back to how we were? You know... before all of this stuff happened..." Bakugo mumbled staring into her eyes.

"How could I say no?" Evie beamed up at him. Bakugo kissed her, before they huddled together and watched anime.

Hiiii! I decided to fix their relationship up since I felt SO bad for Bakugo :')
I hope you enjoyed 💖

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