I wanted to eat breakfast but draco wouldn't let me, the boy brought me into my bedroom and started going through my clothes "I want you to wear this" he throws a green off the shoulder long sleeve crop top, a pair of bleach washed high waisted ripped jeans, he let me keep my green apple Nikes on. I went to the bathroom and changed I also washed my face and styled my hair, just a simple two plaits tied to the back of my head kind of like a crown, I left two strands of hair out to frame my face then I put on a natural gloss color so nobody could tell I was wearing it.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I smiled at the boy who was petting the ferret that was the the same color as his hair. "I see you have finally met dragon" I giggled "y/n I didn't tell you that story for you to get a ferret the same color and name it after me" he calmly said angrily. "Aww draco you know you lo- think its funny" I cover my mouth and walk to the closet where the mini fridge is, I grab dragons food and a water bottle
"Here we need to feed him before we go" I throw the bottle at the distracted boy "fill his bottles please, I will feed him since he knows my hands"
"Aw but babe I wanna try to feed him" he pouted "aw but babe you have gorgeous hands, I would love to keep it that way" I flash him his famous smirk, he stood up, turned around and went to the cage to fill dragons glass bottles that hooked to his cage.

I pull the fluffy bean onto my lap and gave him a few cubes of meat, he ate them out of my hand, dragon has a very weird diet in my opinion, he has a couple of meat chunks in the morning and night with his bowl of dry food in the afternoon. Once dragon finished I gently placed a peck on the top on his head then draco picked him up from my lap and Boops his nose before putting him in his cage.

"So are you ready for a full day of fun, our date?" "Yes let's go, I am super excited." He grabbed my hand and we vanished into thin air.

We landed near a beautiful mountain " what are we doing here?" I look over at him and try not to jump out of my shoes, he grabs my hands and laughs "this is the first part of our date first date" he smiles and pulls me towards the track.

We walked up the trail, all the trees, the flowers, the butterflies and insects  and the sound of the singing birds. "This is amazing" "I am glad you like it baby" he sends me his famous smirk and looks me dead in the eyes with his attractive stone grey eyes and if looks could kill I would be kissing the ground, when walking we arrived near a large beautiful pond with a waterfall, a red and white checkered blanket laying with a Wicker basket resting on top. "Oh my god draco!" I ran up to him and into his arms, he placed his hands on my ass which made me a little squirmy but then I was comfortable, I could get used to this. We attached our lips together, he unbuttoned my pants and pulled off my jumper while I unbuttoned his black dress shirt the one that was tight and showed off his complexion. The blonde put me down and I pulled off my Jean's completely "what are we doing draco?" "It looks like we are about to have sex" he laughed and picked me up again, we then reattached our lips for the second time. "Do you know how to swim?" He whispered against my lips "u-um perhaps I do wh-"  A loud screech came from my mouth as I hit the Surface of the water " what the fuck draco!!" No awnser came from the boy, just another splash, "DRACO! Where are you!!" The boy didn't show but then out of the blue I am lifted out of the water and he places a kiss on my collar bone "draco put me down, your not funny."
"Aw babe I was a little funny" "not at all, put me down" I slap his chest and he slowly puts me down then pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head and mumbles " I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you that bad bubs, wont happen again, let's go eat our Picnic then continue our walk"
I grab his hand and kiss it while walking out of the water. We both sit on the actually pretty soft checkered blanket and talk alittle while we both go through the wickard basket. "All sorts of goods in here, did fanny help you pack this?" I laughed at the red boy "u-um that's possible.." " hey draco talking about fanny, what was this morning about?"  "Because my cousin was in my bestfriends bed!"  "Dont raise your voice at me. They like eachother have you not seen it, they like eachother like we like eachother." I grab a green apple and take a bite "who said I have feelings for you" the boy said under his breath, I didn't hear what he said only a mumble came out, that's what I tell myself. "Dont worry about fanny she can handle herself." I should be looking out for myself, I shouldn't be so vulnerable around draco. Draco rolled his eyes and grabbed my apple and took a bite, I just grab another and scooted away from him alittle.

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