The Beginning

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The smell of peppermint, smoke and strong cologn, the sound of his heart beat, I was warm and enjoying the moment I didn't want to move, I didn't want to know if this was all just a dream, but then he kisses my forehead and I open my eyes, and there I am wrapped in his arms I then look up to see his gorgeous grey eyes looking down at me, his pale hair was messy and he was smiling,

"I knew you were faking your so bad at lieing, your so bad at pretending, out of everything you are good at, those two are not it." He laughs with his lazy morning voice, it's so attractive.

"I am not! I am really good at lieing and pretending." I rolled my eyes and sat up, I cried inside I didn't want to get up. I just sat for a moment, but then when I got up my legs felt like they couldn't support me, I almost collapsed to the floor, but I caught myself,

"woah, do you need help y/n? What are you doing?" Draco sat up quickly and looked at me with a worried face,

"no I am fine draco, and I am just going to the bathroom, nothing to worry about I am just going to take a quick bath and clean up. Lay back down and rest, you had a long night, I will check your fist when I am out." I sent him a gentle smile and walked to the bathroom, I didn't fully close the door I left like a crack, I walked up to the tub and started the water, I put a lavender bubble bath in the running water, my mom likes to make sure that the spare rooms have a bunch of supplies, for if someone needed a place to stay, but this room was were I kept some of my stuff that didn't have place in mine, it was also my ex- bestfriends room, she used to spend the summers when we were still friends.

I was in the bath for 10 or 15 minutes, I was starting to turn pruney so I got out, brushed my teeth with dracos toothbrush, I hope he wont mind, I threw my hair into a messy bun, and I put dracos track suit back on, it was comfortable and it smells like him.
I started to hear a soft sound of music so I quickly opened the heavy wood slab with a handle, and there he was sitting on the bed, and there were fairy lights hanging on the ceiling, it looked like a bunch of stars, and there was food waiting on the bed table, there's eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, sausages, tons of different types of fruit and freshly squeezed orange juice, "a breakfast for a queen, my lady." He laughs

"indeed, I hope the king is eating as well, because this queen is starving, but she won't eat all this on her own. And is it no pulp?" I laugh while walking over to the bed.

" yes the king will be eating, and yes it is no pulp."

"Draco? Why did you do this, your too kind" I carefully sit on the bed.

"Ha, I am everything, but not kind, nothing to do with being a good. Bit its because you deserve It" he sends a gentle smile

"hmm, okay well let's check your fist and then dig in, thank you." I gently grab his hand and check it out, I do a healing spell then I re wrap his fist and kiss his cheek, before stuffing our faces.

~ * ~

Three weeks went by and it is September 1st, draco didn't make do breakfast everyday but he always did something different to make the day special, even though it was already perfect because he was there. Draco and I woke up early so we could pack but also so we can hang put a little bit before we left, draco said he also wanted to talk to me.

We were fouling around while packing, I was having so much fun, and then draco sat down and became all serious, it scared me.

"Y/n, can we talk now?" He placed head into his hands,

"yes of course draco we can talk when ever you need." I walked towards him and lifted his face and placed my forehead on his.

"Okay y/n, so first when we go and ride to school we are not sitting with my friends, we are going to find our own cabin" he moved over so I could sit next to him.

"Okay that's no problem, I can meet them when we get to school" I smiled

"about that, you might not want to meet them unless your in slytherin "

"why draco? That means I probably wont get to meet them, no one in my family is slytherin."

"well, u-um because they will bully anyone they can get their hands on, and if your not in slytherin I wont be able to protect you, well tha-"

"why wont you be able to protect me, that's a very coward move, and i can protect myself anyway!" I stand up quickly insulted.

"Y/n! You didn't let me finish, I was getting to the point" he Pat's the bed asking me to sit back down, I rolled my eyes and sat back next to him, he then grabs my hands "y/n once we get to school all the boys are going to love you-"

" why?" I cut him off again, I could tell he was getting pissed, I could see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"Well because y/n look at you, you are gorgeous, like 10× hotter then half the girls at Hogwarts. But yeah, they are all probably going to fall for you-"

"like you did?" I laugh pinching his leg

"not what I said, but I wanted to-- swing my chance.. before someone else gets you.." I notice hes starting to turn red, and not because he was mad, I put my hand on his face, he was boiling.

"Draco? What are you trying to ask?"

"Were you not paying attention!?" He jumped out of his spot, I stand up next to him and look into his beautiful stone eyes, I gently grabbed his face and pulled his face down, and I stood on my toes slightly and I attached my lips to his, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me and broke the kiss "is that a yes!!"

"Draco, you still didn't explain what you were asking" I laugh

"ughh your so annoying sometimes. Will you be my girlfriend!?"

"YESS!! Of course" I kiss him again

"you happy now?" He mumbles into my mouth and continues to kiss me, I nod and he spins around.

~ * ~

Mother brought phillip, draco and I to the train station, she couldn't stay she had to meet up with father and dracos parents, so she said her goodbyes and then she was gone.
Once the three of us got to 9 Phillip didn't want to be seen with draco malfoy, so draco and I held hands and waited for the area to clear up. "Okay y/n so all you have to do, is run through."

"Are you crazy draco!?"

"I suppose so, now hurry before we miss the train, or bump into someone" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, then I ran-- I was okay! And I was there, at 9¾, it was marvelous, just a moment later draco came through, " hey babe" he smirks

"hi, what's next?" I look around and then to him. He lead me to a guy, I am guessing hes a worker, the uniform told everything. "Hello sir, I am Draco Malfoy and this is my girlfriend Y/n Hanlon, I have a cabin reserved and your going to take our luggage"

"yes Mr.Malfoy, enjoy your ride, I will now take your stuff." The man said quickly, I almost missed it, "thank you sir" I told the kind man, I grabbed my cage and dracos hand. Draco and I walked to and in the train, to our cabin, the train was beautiful, I cant wait for my new beginning, for our new beginning.

Writer's note
Hey guys, chapter 5! I hope you like it please leave your thoughts in the comments, and I hope you had a good day! Tell me how your day went?
Mine I found out I am going back to school on Monday, I am happy but sad, happy i dont have to be at home, but sad because I get less time to write my chapters, I said I wanted to try and post two a day but I might only be able to post one every couple of days :(
Who do you think is the ex-bestfriend ?

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