Chapter Ten: Wedding Bells and Wheat Fields

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Before I knew it... Hermione was helping me into my wedding dress and doing my hair while Molly helped Ginny get into her own. My mother was going to be a little late, she said she had something to get first before she showed up.

We're all getting ready at the Burrow, then we'll make our way, together, through the beautiful golden wheat fields around the Burrow to the grassy clearing where the wedding has been set up.

Yes. We're having the wedding at the Burrow.

"Oh, this is it, can you believe it?!" Hermione gushed as she zipped up my dress from behind. "After all that time at Hogwarts. You're marrying him!"

"I know," I blushed crimson. "I had a funny feeling when I first met him that it was different. That he was different, really."

I caught Molly's smile in the corner of my eye. It was a motherly smile. One that said many words but the loudest of those was 'I'm proud'. And it softened my heart. I'm marrying her son. I'm her daughter in law.

All of the emotions seemed to hit me at once and my eyes got all watery. Ginny laughed.

"Aww, what's with the tears?"

"Just... I guess it just hit me," I bit my lip when I saw myself in my wedding dress in the mirror. "I'm a wife after today. And a mother. Fred's out there in a suit and tie, and so is our son. I don't know. It's just a lot to take in at once."

"Well, it's good that the tears are coming before the makeup, then, huh?" Molly wiped my tears and stepped back to look at me, taking my hands into hers. "You're going to make my boy cry."

"Maybe I shouldn't do makeup then. Because if he cries, then I'm gonna cry," I said, making all of us laugh.

"Well, we'll just skip on the mascara then," Hermione said. "We'll use some basics like you wanted."

The girls and I finished doing our makeup and touched up our hair and dresses, then Molly turned to me.

"Take a deep breath, dear. Once you get out there, and see him, it'll be like it's just you two there. Alright?"

"Yeah," I took a deep breath like she instructed me to, then watched as the girls trailed out of the room and out of the front door. They each met their dates to walk down the aisle with. All of the girls took their dates down the aisle through the wheat fields. Which left my date.

George. Who's also the best man. Because we made it work.

"Whoah," George beamed and wiped his eyes. "Fred... is insanely lucky."

"Georgie," I blushed. "You know I don't do dressing up."

"But you definitely do it well," He offered his arm and I took it, then leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Love you, Georgie."

"I love you too, Rain," He looked down at me and took his own miniature deep breath. "You ready?"

"No," I laughed. "But let's do it anyway."

"I like that idea."

I tightened my grip on his arm as we walked because the nerves kicked in.

"Georgie I'm scared."

"That's normal. You're about to make a huge decision in your life. But trust me, when you get up there and see Freddie, and make him cry, it'll be okay. It'll be like you two are the only people in the world. And if it makes you feel better," He cracked a grin again. "Us guys have a surprise for you. And so does your mother."

"That just makes me more nervous."

Before we knew it, we were right there at the main aisle.

And there he was. In his suit and tie. Standing at the makeshift altar. His eyes met mine and everything around me seemed to fade. He was my entire focus.

broken bottles & wedding bells || fred weasley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang