Chapter Seven: Just Come Home

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"He's... where?!"

"Uh... yeah..." George scratched the back of his head. "She's the bartender at the bar and they just... hit it off I guess..."

"He went home with her..." Harry said. "He yelled at us when we tried to tell him not to."

"Bit odd," Ron grumbled. "If you ask me I think she tampered with his drink."

"No. It was definitely Fred," Harry said. "It didn't seem like there was anything wrong with him. There's no way he was messed with."

My eyes filled with tears so I looked down at where Henry was sleeping in my arms. After all of this time. Everything we've gone through.

Maybe I never really have been good enough. I had his kid and he left. That was all he wanted.


"I'm gonna go home," I sniffled and stood up. "Don't... don't follow me. None of you."

"But... the wedding?" Hermione asked.

"Do you really think he's serious about this wedding. About marrying me. If he's going off with some other woman?"

The house was silent. So I held Henry close to me and left.

Left to the flat for a little bit. I grabbed a backpack and filled it with some of Henry's things. Then I packed my own bag and looked down at the ring on my finger.

And left it on the bed.

With tears in my eyes I left. And showed up at the Manor. I knocked on the door and my mother opened it.

"Rain?! What happened?! Why are you crying?! Oh, come here," She pulled me into the mansion and shut the door behind me. Then hugged me.

"He cheated..." I managed through cries. "He's ch-cheating on me, mum."

"He doesn't know what he's missing out on," She stroked my cheek lovingly. "He doesn't have any clue. You're so special. Come. We'll put Henry down for a nap and talk over some warm tea, yes?"

I nodded and carried Henry up to Draco's room. Which is where I'll be staying. I made sure Henry was nice and cozy in the massive bed and left the door open so I could hear him when he woke up.

Then I made my way back downstairs and sat at the kitchen table with my mother.

She saw the ring missing from my hand.

"I'm so sorry, dear..."

I just nodded and drank some of my tea. I knew that if I spoke I'd start crying.

"Stay here as long as you need. This is your home too."

"How's Lucius?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He's... surviving. They're discussing lowering his sentence."

"By how much?"

"Ten years," She answered. "He'll be out by the end of this year."

"Really?" I scoffed. "They're going to let him free?"

"He threw up the argument about wanting to preserve his family. They're considering that factor and the loss of Draco."

"They think he's been punished enough?"

"Yes. He's incredibly thin. He looks tired. He isn't the same man that he used to be. Azkaban broke him."

"Is he... okay now?"

"Less cold do you mean?" I nodded. "Yes. He's seemed to realize his true priorities. He wants another chance to make it right."

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