Chapter 1: The HandShake

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My names Aliciya. I'm 17 years old and I go to Burnin High School. I'm not as skinny or pretty as the rest of the girls in my school, but I think I look pretty decent compared to other people.
Every day is the same day for me. Wake up, study, get ready to go school, study, go to school, study, head back home, study, and finally go to sleep. I also really enjoy listening and making music. I think I'm a pretty decent singer, and I know how to play a couple instruments,but other than that I study a lot.

I don't have any friends, only because I don't want to get distracted by my studies. I admit that I'm pretty smart, maybe even the smartest student, because everyone else is to lazy to do anything. No one even bothers to talk to me, because everyone thinks it's weird to like to study. Who doesn't like knowing new things?

I think a bit too much.
I wake up early the next morning to have exactly 47 minutes to study. Yay. After those 47 minutes of studying I start getting ready for school. I don't really care about how I dress, I just throw on whatever's comfortable. I decided to wear a yellow long sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans and an olive green jacket that matches with my shoes. I then run downstairs to get breakfast. I live with my mom, but I rarely see her because of her busy shifts. She always leaves money for me on the top counter to make up the time when she's not with me, so I give her tons of respect. I finish breakfast and head outside. I always walk to school, because I like how refreshing the air can be, especially when it's about to rain.
I like taking quite walks by myself it's probably the only other thing I like, aside from the studying of course. As I kept walking not far from school, I saw an unfamiliar person. I could tell he was new, because everyone knows everyone including me.
He was walking pretty slow, and I managed to get closer to him. He had blonde hair that moved with every step he took, and he looked about my age too. He was wearing a lot of layers of loose clothes which looked very comfortable. I started walking slower, because I thought it would be kinda awkward if I started walking right beside him, even though the rest of the neighborhood was empty. He was sorta walking towards the school, so I'm guessing he was gonna be the 'new kid' in Burnin. After all those momments of scilence he stopped. Then I stopped. He turned arounded and looked at me up and down with a puzzled face.

"Why are you following me?" He said while staring at me with confusion. "I'm not following you... Im um... I walk to school everyday." I stuttered. "Do you go to Burnin?" He asked. I took a good look at him. He had blonde hair, but unlike other blondes with sparkly blue eyes, he had dark black eyes.

"Yea" I replied. He looked down and the back at me "Oh , I'm kinda new to this area, and Burnin. Do you mind showing me where the school is?"

I didn't say anything I just stared at him. I'm not used to people asking me favors other than the answers of a test or homework. "Um yeah, sure" I said
It was kind of fun walking with him, we didn't talk or anything we just walked together in silence. I think he enjoyed the too, because every time I turned around to see if he didn't run off, instead he would be smiling at the ground. Its not like I was enjoying his company, I always feel this happy when I walk alone to school, but at least he didn't ruin it by trying to start an awkward conversation.
We finally arrived at Burnin. Before we entered the building he tapped my shoulder.

"Do you mind leading me to class A3?" I took his schedule and he had 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8th period with me. I looked back at him "su-". "You don't have to you've already done a lot for me" he interrupted while smiling, reviling deep dimples. "No it's... it's fine!". He probably thinks he's bothering me, but I could be studying right now. We were walking and he decided to make a conversation with me. The hallways weren't that crowded, because no one really went to Burnin.

"My names Evan by the way, Evan Peters." He said while reaching over for a handshake. I shook his hand, and they were actually quite warm. "My, Aliciya Denis." I stuttered.

We started walking to class A3 which was in the opposite side of the campus. No teacher really cared if anyone was late, so we took our time.

"So, how long have you lived here?" he asked. "Since I was born" I replied. "Have you ever been out of town?" He said while examining the school.

"No, never". He looked at me like I've never been outside before. "You've never been out of town!" He said as his eyes grew big.

"What's the big deal, man?" I said. "Don't you ever wanna, you know, travel or something? No offense, but this is a small, quiet and boring town." He said while getting a bit serious.

We finally reached our first class.Thank God. We arrived pretty early, so I sat in my desk preparing all of my things to begin studying. I sit alone in the back, because everyone thinks I look 'threatening', and because I don't have any friends. Well I do have one friend, but he doesn't really count since he doesn't go to our school. He's a bit older than me, and we haven't spoken since we were kids so I doubt he remembers me. He probably already forgot about me, because I barely remember his name. I think it started with a 'J'. I'm not sure.

Call It Fate, Call It KarmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora