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I sit alone on my couch in my newly rented out apartment, flipping from channel to channel on my old television. Nothing peeks my interest. But would anything? No, nothing could change the dire news I had just received.

My name is Park Seonghwa. I'm twenty four years old and I live alone. But I like it that way. I don't go to college, or at least not anymore. I decided I to drop out before my last birthday, I know I won't have a future anyways.

I turn off the television, laughing aloud at my situation. It was hopeless. Grabbing my phone from the coffee table I scroll through my text history until I find the chat I was looking for.


Ateez. I made that name up in ninth grade, the place I met my soulmates. You know, soulmates don't have to be lovey-dovey. They're just purely your soul's mates, whether that means as a romantic partner or as a best friend.

I have seven soulmates, I think of them all as my best friends. Their names? Oh, yes, right;

Kim Hongjoong, he's responsible, caring, and practically makes sure we all don't die. I met him in ninth grade when I went to a new school in a new town. He was the first person to reach out to me and invite me to hang out. I'll always be grateful for this boy; without him I'd probably still be alone. 

Jeong Yunho, like a golden retriever he's loyal, friendly, and adorable. Yunho is the playful type who's always causing mischief with the others but is slightly less unbearable. I met Yunho in my physical education class where he walked over and just started talking to me. I was dumbfounded at the time but looking back, I'm so glad he did.

Kang Yeosang, he's on the quieter side but when the time comes he's the best companion anyone could ask for. Yeosang always gives time advice when I need it, even if sometimes it's not the best advice. Once he told me to "be myself" in my theater class. We burst out laughing once he realized what he had said to me. 

Choi San, kinda crazy but loveable and super enjoyable to be around the especially when you just need a laugh. San is the other half to Wooyoung and together they're satanic. I remember so many days and nights willing myself not to kill them. In the end though, I do love them so much and they deserve the world. 

Song Mingi, like San in a way but so much more energizing. He makes me feel happier when I feel down. Mingi was in my history class and we got paired together for a project. At first I was very frustrated since I knew he slacked off and didn't pay attention but once I got to know him I came to see that he's still a wonderful person regardless. 

Jung Wooyoung, a rascal and always sarcastic but that's besides the point. He's witty and clever and always teasing but that's what makes him him. Wooyoung and his boyfriend San always get us into trouble and once I recall almost strangling him due to his stupidity. Even though I've gotten in lots of trouble because of Wooyoung, I still love him. 

And Choi Jongho. He may be the youngest and he may seem normal but he's really insane like us all. But he's supportive and generous in turn. I met Jongho in probably the strangest way than I met the others, we crashed into each other in the hallway. I recall being beyond embarrassed and he was quite angry but in the end we became good friends. 

Biting my lip, I type only one word even though it feels like a have a thousand to say.

🤪WOOYOUNG is besT fuCk yOu 🧡

 Seonghwa: hi 

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