
Zenitsu-kun's face was as red as an apple, and his body felt so warm that I thought it would melt the ice pack. Of course, I could feel my body heating up as well, especially around my cheeks.


"A-AHHHH T-Tanjiro!!!" I exclaim, completely forgetting that he was here. Did I seriously just kiss my brother's best friend... Right in front of him?!

"Looks like someone's having fun with my friend..." He teases, moving his hand above my head and lightly patting my hair. I felt slightly light-headed due to my bold actions towards Zenitsu-kun.

Apparently, Tanjiro couldn't help himself so he decides to add to the fire that had been burning vividly.

"So... What's your plan tonight Nezuko?" He insinuates, making my face turn bright red. If Tanjiro went on, I was pretty sure that I was going to faint.

"E-E-EHHHHHHHHHH?!?!? T-TANJIRO, Y-YOU KNOW W-WE DON'T H-HAVE ANYTHING B-BETWEEN US RIGHT N-NOW!!!" Zenitsu-kun quickly blurts out, trying to desculate the situation. All I wanted to do was conceal my burning face.

"Everyone! Dinner's ready!" Aoi-san shouts. I sometimes wish I could be so bold like her. As our little 'incident' comes to a close, we all walk down to the dining room where we are greeted by a table filled with plates of food.

"Maoi, What's the special occassion?" Inosuke yells out, realizing that there's more than his usual tempura and rice balls.

"Well it's my birthday so I decided I would make a little more food for tonight. Not that any of you ca-

"WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAOI!!!" Inosuke abruptly shouts. I think I saw a subtle blush develop on Aoi-san's face. Ooooooooooh could it be that Aoi-san has interest in Inosuke?

As I look over to Zenitsu-kun, he looks petrified as if he saw a demon.

"What's the problem Zenitsu-kun?" I whisper to the blonde.

"AHHH!!!" He shrieks in response. "I-It's just that I f-forgot to bring a gift for Aoi-chan," He quietly explains to me.

"Don't worry about it, Aoi-san doesn't really like to make her birthday an important day. She says that as long as everyone is happy and healthy, that's a good enough present for her."

"W-What? No, a hard worker like Aoi-chan deserves a gift! I can't possibly let her birthday pass by while she receives nothing!" Zenitsu-kun softly protests at me. He really is caring... I don't know why everyone at school despises him so much... I'll break the bones of them if they mess with my Zenitsu-ku-

"Hey Nezuko, do you know why Zenitsu ran upstairs?" Tanjiro asks.

"What do you mean?" I respond, until I notice that the seat Zenitsu-kun occupied was empty.

"Oh... Well I have no idea as a matter of fact," I conclude as I begin to break apart the steamed fish Aoi-san made.

We all eat quietly as per usual until I hear loud footsteps approach the dining room. Of course I recognize them as Zenitsu-kun's by the crisp way his feet lift off the floor.

"A-Aoi-chan!!" He shouts, gasping for air. I pout at how Zenitsu-kun calls for Aoi-san. I know it's selfish of me to even think of that but I never like it when Zenitsu-kun calls for another girl.

"I heard it was your birthday so I made this flower crown for you!"

"OI TONITSU!!! BACK OFF OF MAOI AND GO BACK TO YOUR TEZUKO YOU PLAYBOY!!!" Inosuke immediately shouts in rage. Looks like stubborn boar does have a crush on Aoi-san...

"Inosuke!!" Aoi-san lets out as she forcefully hits Inosuke's head with her chopsticks.

"Thank you Zenitsu-san that's really kind of you!" She smiles, grabbing the flower crown which was made up of beautiful, vibrant wisteria vines and vivid blue cornflowers.

Zenitsu POV-

Man, does any one in this estate have a brain?! If it's someone's birthday, especially a caretaker like Aoi-chan, you have to atleast repay them somehow!

After I hand over my flower crown to Aoi-chan, I sit back down next to Nezuko-chan. As I take a glimpse at her angelic features, I could tell she looked a little sad, if not mad. Her breathing pattern was irregular and she was actually breathing harder than normal. C-Could she be jealous...?

N-No of course not!!! Nezuko-chan isn't like that right?

"So, Zenitsu, who is it? Aoi or my sister?" Tanjiro smirks, observing his sister's face become flushed. I could see Nezuko-chan furrowing her eyebrows as her bright smile slowly faded into a subtle frown.

"W-What do you mean by that T-Tanjiro? I only gave the flower crown to Aoi because it was her birthday. Speaking of, where is your gift for her?" I say, now on the attack.

"Well, we all chipped in to buy Aoi a nice cake for her birthday, but you went out of your way and made a flower crown for her. Why did you do that instead just getting her a birthday card after dinner or something more logical?" Tanjiro responds. At this point I knew he was trying to insinuate something that wasn't there. Damn you Tanjiro stop teasing me and Nezuko-chan!!!!

"I'm going upstairs," Nezuko-chan blurts out. I could tell she was a little distraught by our conversation and clearly did not want to listen to any more of it. She gets up abruptly and I could hear the force she was putting on the stairs when she stomped up to her room.\

"Someone's jealous aren't they?" Tanjiro whispers to us.

"Seriously why'd you do that Tanjiro?!" I scold him. Now what will Nezuko-chan think of me?! Will she forgive me?! If she ever hated me I don't know what I'd do!!!

"Don't worry Zenitsu she'll be fine, I know that Nezuko doesn't hold grudges against trivial things like this," Aoi-chan chimes in, lightly putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah Monitsu, Gonapachirou told me that Tezuko isn't the type of person to dwell on such little things! Although it's your fault for giving Taoi the flower crown!" Inosuke says trying the comfort me.

"I guess you guys are right. Nezuko-chan probably isn't the type to get jealous either right?"

"Trust me Zenitsu, I'm her brother. She won't get hold this against you although she may shout at you a few times," Tanjiro adds, as he gently pats my back.

"Now go up there and have some fun!" Inosuke randomly yells out, which makes my face turn red. Dammit Inosuke don't say such nonsense like that!

Nezuko POV-

We're not dating but... why am I so jealous? Why am I so angry that he gave that crown to Aoi-san? Why am I so sad...

That there's a chance he's not interested in me anymore? That Zenitsu-kun will leave me...?

Alright sorry for this chapter taking so long, I really haven't had much motivation to write this past month. Hope you all enjoyed reading and as always, have a great day!

Wisteria🌿(Zenitsu x Nezuko)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat