" Part 3: " The S.W.A.G Academy".

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Characters: Ray, Schwoz, Chapa, Miles, and Bose,

Secne 3: " At The S.W.A.G Academy".

Ray: Guys we have 10 mins until the fashion show
so hurry up and get dressed for the event!"
said Ray yelling.

Bose: " Okay Ray! thanks we all will get ready and dressed up."
said Bose elbowing Chapa.

Chapa: " Really do we have to get dressed up for this stupid fashion show that we're hosting here at the S.W.A.G Academy".
said Chapa rolling her eyes.

Miles: " Yes! Chapa we need
all need be glamorous and elegant for our fashion show please listen to Ray because he's incharge of this event So Shut up and get ready!"
said Miles annoyed.

Chapa: " Ugh fine Miles I will get all dressed up
for the fashion show and I promise will be ontime".
said Chapa sighed.

Miles: " thanks Chapa you're the best friend ever
Oh and make sure you please don't forget to bring Mika because she's will be helping the guests to their seats soon as they all arrive".
Miles informed Chapa.

"OK if it makes everyone happy
I will bring Mika to the fashion show
once all the guests arrived from town".
said Chapa crossed her arms against her chest.

All: " thanks Chapa!"
said everyone

Chapa: " thanks everyone and Ray for letting me bring Mika.
said Chapa smiling at everyone
before walking out of the Academy.

All: " Bye Chapa!"
said everyone.

Chapa: " Bye everyone see you guys later!"
said Chapa walking out of the Academy.

To be continued...
Peace ✌

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